DISCUSSION: Windows 10 Technical Preview April Build (10051)

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by SNaRe, Apr 4, 2015.

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  1. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Fact is, Microsoft relies a lot on those information about Hardware which they getting from those Hardware Manufacturer. Drivers are simply related to that! Apple has it easy in that regard, they just using very limited hardware and therefore having just a 'few' problems to solve compare to the whole bunch Microsoft has to solve! And for that Apple users paying an fortune for their hardware!

    To create an OS for about 98% of the available different Hardware products, needs a lot of effort and and in real, to solve all those different problems for the same output, is not just a simple and easy task! Relying on information from other developers (of hardware), not just a few, no, about near all of those, and than get all to works on the same software, is terrible difficult! And on top of all of that, Microsoft also has to listen to those who have noting in their mind than just to bother them with all those (in most cases) unfounded accusations!

    And if those 'unhappy' users didn't have anything else to complain, than the Microsoft product is to expensive in last resort! That the development of an OS cost's a fortune and need a huge amount of technical experts, not to forget time and many other fact's, is something what an normal thinking and educate human should see and realize that those cost's 'Money'!

    Ok, who isn't happy with the MS product's, should just change to Linux or even Apple! The first need's much more knowledge to start and use it while the second need a lot more money for to get both the hardware and the OS!

    The second has also more 'Advantages', not just that it cost's much more than normal PC, NO, the user also gets an kind Dictatorship, much more restriction for using, less available 3.party application, and, and, and!

    Why Apple users didn't complaining? Er....? Is it because Apple simply give an sh*t about what the user is thinking? Or Apple didn't mind to go to court with offenders? Or did the user some day's 'see's' the reality?

    Fact is that Apple Products all Made in China, using low cost manufacturing for to build the product which used only well tested (therefore 2. Generation) hardware. That the manufacturers (like Foxconn) using kind Slavery work condition and even Kid's work, is well known in the meantime as well! The cost of developing the OS for their product is very low, compare to the high cost MS has, and developing is faster as well. OK, all of that are a PLUS (???) for to buy an Apple product?!

    Back on topic: The Aero is an software which need to use some special Hardware and therefore to get it work, the developers of those hardware need to submit all required information to Microsoft, if they didn't creating those needed drivers on their own. There a lot Hardware Developers, which didn't give the required info's to Microsoft and also refusing for to create the drivers on their own! Who's fault is that, Microsoft? Nada! And such 3.party Companies are some like HP, NEC and others!

    There so many facts behind such problems, which we'll never see, neither realizing! Complaint's from Users will never work! The only choice the user has, to wait and see what finally will or even could be done!

    And just to note: I'm not a close friend of Microsoft and if I could I avoid to use their Products, as I'm doing Services for Computer and related Hard- and Software, I've no choice, I simply must use Microsoft Products and also use Linux, Unix but Apple product's!
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  2. TheSubaru2012

    TheSubaru2012 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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  3. Shayne

    Shayne MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
    So now I am a bit confused :confused:. So Microsoft writes the OS based on others hardware and that is a difficult task? I thought companies write their own drivers and are force to abide by the rules of the M$ OS of the day, hence different drivers for different OS's. For the luxury of playing by the rules I thought that they were required to pay M$ a fee to certify their drivers. I thought that M$ now requires a safe mode restart if the hardware manufacture decides they do not want to pay that fee. I guess then M$ pays the hardware manufactures a fee to store the drivers for their hardware on the manufactures site.

    Anthem is word class multimedia and the ARC software is second to none. Written for the windows XP OS by the national research council of Canada and based on USB input. Does it work in windows 8? Poor, poor M$.

  4. hutclucky

    hutclucky MDL Novice

    Mar 20, 2015
    I have seen the Windows 10 build 10056 images leaked , China's pro and enterprise of Russia
  5. Super User

    Super User MDL Addicted

    Jun 26, 2012
  6. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    Which is why they all come back here moaning about IE and icons. :(

    On one is 'Forced' to do anything, If a hardware maker wants to have a 'Compatible with Windows X' sticker on their box the driver has to be certified by Microsoft. Which they pay for and I believe it also means those drivers are added to the Windows driver pool that's installed with Windows.

    Clear evidence of this came with Vista, where the driver design changed, mainly dew to the switch to x64.
    Most hardware makers refused to modify their XP drivers to work with Vista, instead opting to only produce Vista drivers for new products 'Forcing' their and Microsoft's customers to buy new hardware.

    And the reason that most hardware makers have lots of drivers listed for each OS on their websites is down to the lack of knowledge of most PC users. If you grab any of the x86 drivers and check the hash's you'll see most are the same. That goes for different x86 OS's and hardware products. Its the same for the x64 drivers.
  7. Shayne

    Shayne MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
    ^^^^ Agreed and it was a bit tongue and cheek, if you want the average person to use your hardware there is no force at all.

  8. Chris123NT

    Chris123NT MDL Expert

    Oct 23, 2010
    No, if anything it was because they don't feel it fits in with the context of the UI direction in win 10.

    But either way it has nothing to do with the driver, it's perfectly capable of doing it, and I'm sure Bigmuscle will prove that.
  9. Yaniv

    Yaniv MDL Junior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
  10. AtomR

    AtomR MDL Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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  11. Yaniv

    Yaniv MDL Junior Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Mad about what? :confused:
  12. AtomR

    AtomR MDL Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    Nothing, I was just kidding. :p
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  13. FaiKee

    FaiKee Misinformation spreader

    Jul 24, 2009
    Beats me LOL, it's just something I saw them discussing in QQ chat and what the MS guy said. :p
  14. l30

    l30 GFX Wizard

    Apr 14, 2014
    #494 l30, Apr 10, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
    Wzor is waving a green signal for new leak :clap:
  15. grumpee

    grumpee MDL Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    I have to take a leak what flag should I wave?

    pretty sad
  16. Chris123NT

    Chris123NT MDL Expert

    Oct 23, 2010
    a yellow one.
  17. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    No need to use the future, I'm using aeroglass on 10051 and it works perfectly.

    Exactly like the native aeroglass works perfectly on (officially) unsupported HW like the 100$ netbooks from the latest 5/6 years.

    The truth is that the removal of AG has nothing to do with performances, they removed it for (highly debatable) aesthetic reasons, when they tough the windows users were sheep like the Apple's one. When they tough anyone will stick with whatever idiotic novelty imposed from the high level.

    They proved to be wrong, and they are stepping back. Likely they will realize that the aero thing was an idiotic move too.
  18. ashio83

    ashio83 MDL Novice

    Oct 25, 2011

    I wish people would stop bitching about aero and trash icons in these threads it's boring! If Microsoft choose not to use aero then it's up to them, no amount of complaining over here will sort that out, there is nothing "idiotic" about it. I'm sure when it's finished there will be a utility to use aero in some form or another, and if there isn't...so what! The trash icon thing is a non issue.

    Give it a rest
  19. SLRVision39

    SLRVision39 MDL Member

    Aug 5, 2009
    I second that. I think they are doing that just to have fun reading your comments :)
  20. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    Pretty easy then, just don't read those messages.

    Oh yes, up to them, like is UP to a cook to put some mayonnaise on top of a strawberry cake.

    But then don't expect restaurant's client to eat it silently.

    Every time a company in a strong position is unable to please the majority of its clients. is doing an idiotic move. MS included.

    Who designs an icon has ONE thing to do: to design a tiny image that is meaning, easy to understand and nice looking.

    If a person or a team paid to do it, are unable to do the job, people complains. Exactly like happen everywhere for any unsatisfying product or service.

    What's wrong with that?