Pretty easy then, just don't read those messages. Oh yes, up to them, like is UP to a cook to put some mayonnaise on top of a strawberry cake. But then don't expect restaurant's client to eat it silently. Every time a company in a strong position is unable to please the majority of its clients. is doing an idiotic move. MS included. Who designs an icon has ONE thing to do: to design a tiny image that is meaning, easy to understand and nice looking. If a person or a team paid to do it, are unable to do the job, people complains. Exactly like happen everywhere for any unsatisfying product or service. What's wrong with that?
Difficult when it's every other post. Right... People will always find something to whine about Nothing is wrong with having an opinion but I for one am sick of having to read about it constantly. If you have an issue with the icons and aero go to the windows insider program community and moan over there. What?! I realise I am now clogging up the boards with crap so I'm stopping here.
Hi all, try to install on real machine... i go until the "use recomended settings" scren...then reboot on same screnn....
:S I have same problem. After installation i press on use recommended settings, next screen say "Connecting" and after that my PC just restarts :/ using 10051 iso
Maybe it's on every post because it's a problem for a large amount of users? Sure, but moaning about too much salt, is not the same thing as criticizing a completely odd choice of ingredients. Having an OS that looks worse than win 3.00 IS a problem. Surely is better to have a working OS with an ugly look rather than a nice looking OS that crashes every 5 minutes. But after 30 years of evolution people expects both, good functionality and good aesthetics.
Not to worry, this is what is done around here when people get bored with a build/leak and another one is "rumored" to be out soon. There are lots of people here with lots of passion for their point of view, and express it. We all do it well at times, not so good at times, and we all take our turn in the recycle bin of life...we be is what we do. Look at my avatar, I am freakin' adorable, yet even I screw up once in a while...
Ok after this holidays i think that i must changing my previous forecast. At build 2015 will be presented build 10073
Whao very interesting and usefull post here..... sorry for my OT: i can't finish setup installing 10051 build...anyone can help ? is a clean single boot on real machine, same iso md5 verified work well on hyper-v. Maybe no internet connection ? don't ask first for user account, but directly for Use express setting, i i chose customize and deselect every think...same thing..i also ave try to do repair opnion and create user from way i am stuck on thi boot loop....
My VMware install of Enterprise automatically downgraded to Pro when I ran WU. There was no Enterprise WU available though.