1st question: Why do you make a doubleposting? 2nd question: Please use your brain and read the text at MS-vnext
Look it up Windows Insider Program fishily "UPDATE: Audio issues in Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10049"..Helps possibly... Edit: Why is it not possible to delete it?
Look it up Windows Insider Program fishily "UPDATE: Audio issues in Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10049"..Helps possibly...
The best AMD driver ive found for overall usage and specially for gaming is this one AMD-Catalyst-14-9-win7-win8.1-64Bit-dd-ccc-whql as for the WDDM 2.0 driver that just keeps crashing while gaming
Did AMD COntrol Center install correctly for y'all on this revised driver package? Also I was previously using the lastest beta and had VSR support enabled in CCC, in this version VSR is removed again. I have also had a few black screens on boot up.
No errors for me on install Control center installed fine but seems to be bit buggy it is now gone from running program's
firefox beta wont load gmail.com gives error saying page isnt redirecting properly. I have connection settings set to no proxy... chrome loads it fine.
What I'm still missing in 10056: Anyone else? Please vote. I hate the idea of having to choose between labels or combined buttons, just as much as some people hate the W8 Start screen. "Minwidth" Reg hack doesn't work in W10.
Yes, me too. Never happened with previous builds. 10056 clean install. Mouse is from Logitech. The cursor freeze and seems to hang the desktop and keyboard. Still HDD activity. Don't panic, just wait a minute or so and back to normal. This issue occurs anytime, but rarely more than twice a day.
I still have no issues, and I still have not been updated to the latest AMD drivers. So far the only issues were Cortana (fixed) and the Open VPN TAP driver not working (fixed). This build is still solid and fast, but I am only getting Defender updates as far as I can see.. EDIT: Correction, I did get an update to a newer AMD driver on the 16th, and it was so silent and bug free I never even noticed until I looked at the update history. Interesting.