The only major issue I have is related to the start menu. The built in one can't open the win32 apps (including the control panel or explorer), unless they are launched in administrative mode. While classic shell (v4.2.1) can't launch the metro apps or the stock start menu, as was used to until build 10051.
The stock start menu opens apps very very fast here, like near instantly. Give me an app name that does not work for you and I will test it on my machine. Just curious...
As I wrote the stock menu opens any METRO app, w/o a problem. What refuse to open is everything else (aka classic win32 programs).
Just reporting back...The Black screening is/was seems to have been a mess I have been fighting with all day. Anyhow went through a full clean reinstall to driver changes. I can only seem to duplicate or make it black screen on log in as well as after booting if I start the AMD CCC. It does not automatically start for me. Hoping other can confirm this behavior. From what I am seeing is that the control center is the root cause to the black screening. IN case anyone did not catch it and use AMD last night was a totally new AMD GPU driver build pushed to Win 10: Here are the driver details: It has been confirmed over at guru3d that every driver is the newest. Driver Packaging Version15.20-wNxt-150401a-180730E-ATI ProviderAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2D Driver Version8.01.01.1487 2D Driver File Path/REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/Class/{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}/0000 Direct3D Version9.14.10.01117 OpenGL Version6.14.10.13381 Mantle Driver Version9.1.10.0073 Mantle API Version98307 AMD Catalyst Control Center Version2015.0401.236.2774 AMD Audio Driver Version9.0.0.9906
Well, I believe that "anything else" IS an example, explorer, control panel, wmc, jdownloader 2, vivaldi, opera, anything except metro apps. It's a lttle problem for me because I don't mind to use the still idiotic stock menu. But it's a major problem for people who never heard about Classic Shell.
OK cool, yeah thankfully all of those are launching perfectly for me. Only the Netflix app seems to be brain dead (opens completely minimized into the top left corner for some weird reason, very strange), but everything else in my old system just works. For some reason this is the first build since Windows 8 I have not felt the need for Classic Shell so I have not installed it yet. So far the "search bar" in the Taskbar has found everything I have needed to launch. Has anyone else noticed that 10061 no longer shows up on WU? Also, today my system keeps telling me I have a scheduled restart, but the ONLY thing that has been installed today are a few Defender updates. I just restarted and its still telling me it needs to restart, hahaha.
I've been seeing the restart reminder since installing 10056 and there isn't any option to restart now or cancel it or whatever but it has been going a way then coming intermittently.
I uninstalled the logitec drivers for mouse and keyboard and used the original windows drivers in 10056 and issue is resolved.
I'm using an MX revolution (the bluetooth one) and an M705 marathon and they are working perfectly with the logitech drivers and setpoint control panel (setpoint is v6.65.62, drivers v5.80.4)
Well, after reading that I become curios, so I made a new temporary account and indeed there the menu works as expected (at least as expected by MS ). So something is broken in the upgrade process from previous versions. Now I have to figure what's different between the new and old account, likely somewhere in \user\{username}\appdata\
Is anyone having an issue with Control Panel not opening when pinning to the start menu? New bug that never happened in other builds. Runs well with using search box just was curious.
HOW TO GET COLOR BACK IN TITLE BARS, Win10TP Build 10056. !!!USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Code: copy C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero folder to desktop. [Folder Access Denied, You need to take ownship of this folder] copy C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero.theme to desktop. Step-1 open aero folder delete qps-ploc delete VSCache delete aerolite.msstyles rename aero.msstyles to aerolite.msstyles Step-2 open aero/en-US folder delete aerolite.msstyles.mui rename aero.msstyles.mui to aerolite.msstyles.mui Step-3 close en-US folder and aero folder, now rename aero folder to aerolite Step-4 open aero.theme with Notepad. goto [Theme] find DisplayName=@%SystemRoot%\System32\themeui.dll,-2013 replace with DisplayName=Windows Aerolite goto [VisualStyles] find Path=%ResourceDir%\Themes\Aero\Aero.msstyles replace with Path=%ResourceDir%\Themes\Aerolite\Aerolite.msstyles Step-5 close aero.theme and save, now rename aero.theme to aerolite.theme Step-6 copy aerolite folder and aerolite.theme to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\ Step-7 Select Windows Aerolite from Personalization.
For sure there are the LPs, Italian Included. You can either install the LP after the installation or make the Italian ISO by yourself.
Right click on Desktop > Personalize > Change Desktop Icons > then select Control Panel to put it on the desktop. See if it launches from there OK or not.
Back on video driver AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (Engineering Sample - WDDM v2.0) The beta driver of amd worked well but my fans went crazy after playing games Deinstalled Catalyst Control center maybe de driver will be stable now without crashes