Can you (or anyone else) confirm if there's been a new AMD graphics driver on WU as of lately? There's reports of some April 17th driver, but some people also claim it's just a re-upload of the previous driver. I think the last driver had a driver date of 3/27.
This is the most horrible build ever. explorer.exe crashes immediately, and then no start menu, no taskbar, no nothing. I can't restore minimized apps, I can only run new apps from task manager/new task. Geez. I've tried this on 2 comps, the same exact result.
If Explorer.exe still exists in task manager then kill it, if not, then try to run it from task Manager (File -> Run new task : Explorer.exe) and you will get back your desktop.
Maybe an faulty iso The one from WZOR did give me weird problems Then used OSBA iso and problems were gone
What is OSBA? Edit: NVM, downloading 10056.0.150405-1348.FBL_IMPRESSIVE_CLIENTPRO-CORE_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO from OSBA (Kickass mirror), maybe it'll help.
hmm, anyone else seeing frequent errors in the event log stating "The program ShellExperienceHost.exe version 10.0.10011.0 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed"??
You can not turn off ShellExperienceHost.exe. Step by step. 1. Turn off OneDrive. 2. Desktop Background: Only 1 picture So do not use 1.5 GB of memory. Only 7-15 MB.
not sure if I follow, what is it exactly? i'm not trying to mess with anything , just that error shows up
Yes I did early in the morning of the 17th when all the new drivers were pushed. They are indeed newer then anything that has been released.
These are probably the first WU drivers that work properly and load CCC on PowerXpress and Enduro notebooks.
Yeah, I noticed that after the new drivers installed my Netflix app works better. Why it would affect the way the app functions is weird though, but now the app loads Netflix data/video onto the main desktop, before dragging to TV, whereas before I had to physically drag the Netflix app to the TV (HDMI) in order to get the Netflix app to work. Immediately after the new AMD driver installed its just working now the moment I launch the Netflix app. With three displays connected it always seems like an uphill battle to get things working proper.