So, you went from an unleaked build of Windows 8.1 all the way up to Windows 10 build 10056? Hmmmm....
Sorry to ask you these questions. What Graphic Chipsets is your system using? What kind of installations did you use(upgrade or clean install)?
I just hope that clicking File Explorer brings up something useful, like say, your list of hard drives for starters. Haha.
It is so weird that 10064 is not even in build list of These images are either fake or screenshot of 10066.0.150415-2125.fbl_impressive
I've seen that problem as well but never put two and two together (was just wondering why my taskbar kept disappearing and reappearing) Problem-wise, I don't think I've seen any issues with the OS itself. Only thing that was a problem for me was a 3rd-party program wouldn't create it's network adapter properly for VPN (Evolve).
FYI... If you click View then go to Options you can change where it opens up to with either "This PC" or "Quick Access"
They're real, it's just not every build is always picked up by the method used to detect available builds.
LOL, are you just pulling numbers out of your ass now? I can tell you right now the build dropped at BUILD will likely not be 101xx, it will be a 100xx fbl_(un)impressive build.
Reason: The leaked screenshots of 10064 are not from fbl_impressive branch. Those screenshots are from some other branch like winmain.
Hmm...I still think, 101xx build will be dropped at BUILD. Then why they'd to jump the build numbers ?
Now my system is serious broken after login the explorer keeps restarting over and over again Reverting now to backup image from yesterday
I put windows 10 build 10056 on my acer laptop its only the 8735 model but as soon as windows went to update the drivers goes straight to the blue screen wished windows would just let people put there own graphics and sound drivers in themselves, I do anyways but like the network drivers its a mess and needs sorting out quick
another thing that gets me going is why does Microsoft always thinks we need to use there anti virus software, windows defender we should be able to at least disable the bloody thing its annoying, my cpu goes to 45c goes erratic to say the least and the beauty is the pc isn't doing anything no internet explorer open no programs open nothing another thing Microsoft needs to sort out youd think they would learn from past windows they have compiled but ohh no