Just look carefully at the first run questions. The option to disable the driver update is there (in win 8, win 8.1 and win 10 too).
Disable Windows Defender: Click Start , type gpedit.msc in the Start Search box, press ENTER Look for: (Windows Defender Service) & (Windows Defender Network Inspection Service). Code: Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Defender Turn off Windows Defender = Enabled
Also if you want to save hdd space (just under 700mb), you can delete Windows Defender folder (when disabled), in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft, you can also download Defender_Uninstaller.exe, see if it works on Windows 10.
yeah I know T-S but I need that going to get one drive sorted out it has all my passwords and web sites in it as well as other programs as soon as I go to disable the windows update its to late the laptop goes to the light blue screen
Do the installation with a local account instal the missing drivers manually, maybe staying disconnected from Internet and then join your MS account
I recommend If you upgrade from older windows like 7-8x uninstall sound and video drivers. Remove overclocking etc. Leave it connected to net. I not have weird issues like others report something not work etc all the time.
Someone posted that a new build (official) will release around the 29 of April... Source: Code: answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_install/compressed-os-availability/d9cba3ce-2e56-445b-a072-d83e082915ef
April 29 is Build 2015, everyone is expecting a new build there also the post you are referring to is just a guess.
That will probably be build 10061 that has been in the mill for some time. I'm somewhat interested in the server build as well.
I seen 10.0.10069.0.fbl_impressive.150419-0022 at buildfeed, this build not have any another steps such as fbl_mgmt_dev02, fbl_kpg and etc!!!
I don't think that's true. I never run any manual scans, and I can see in Task Scheduler how long the scheduled scans take: no time at all (these are not Ye Olde AV scans that run an hour). Yet, if you run your PC a day or five and then look at the Details tab with CPU Time sorted, you'll see that msmpeng.exe is WAY, WAY up the list. What's doing that can only be one thing: real-time protection. Almost every single thing you touch on the system is appraised by Defender, so it's death by a thousand cuts. It just makes everything a little bit slower, the CPU time most certainly adds up, and it's unrelated to manual or scheduled scans (in my case). It may be better in this dept than most (not all) 3rd-party AV, but then it does less than all of them too, and has worse results than most of them, so it pretty much stands to reason. But regardless, the resources it takes are not nothing.