[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10041

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by jamescantello, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. kiruijhnstn

    kiruijhnstn MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    That's normal:D When you check for normal windows updates, it also check for new builds...
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  2. gururoop

    gururoop MDL Junior Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    I have a weird problem. My Windows Defender icon is blank in the notification area, have a look at this screenshot:


    The the icon is not visible but it is there in the sense that when I hover over the blank space, it does show 'PC status: Protected'. Also right-clicking the blank space gives me an option: open, which opens up Windows Defender. I had clean installed 10036 and 10041 and had the problem right from the beginning. I have also tried rebuilding icon cache.
  3. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    I get this too, but I turn Defender off so I only seen it once.
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  4. TheMrCaveman

    TheMrCaveman MDL Novice

    Feb 23, 2011
    I have a strange issue in build 10041, my time changes everytime i reboot pc:eek:
  5. kiruijhnstn

    kiruijhnstn MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    The icon is not visible because its white in color and the background is white. Solution, drag it to the taskbar and your should enjoy:biggrin: seeing the icon...
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  6. exxocet

    exxocet MDL Novice

    Sep 3, 2014
    Issues with 10041 on my machine:
    -coming from 9926
    • service wspackagemanager (aka tiledatamodelsvc, which handles Metro apps) uses 20 - 30% CPU. It goes up for 5 mins, then it goes back to 0% for a few mins, only to came back skyrocketing CPU again. Microsoft took 2 months between 9926 and 10041 to fix "big issues": they've created (much more) ugly icons. Not a bit of improvement in tiledatamodelsvc issue, althought it was reported on MS forum.
    -brand new problems
    • all browsers windows (IE11, Chrome, FF, Opera etc) in maximize mode, are bigger than the display! The tabs and scroll are barely accessible. This might be a unique issue, specific only to my machine, but wspackagemanager should have been addressed in 10041.
  7. SNaRe

    SNaRe MDL Senior Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    Does anyone know how to reduce start menu opening delay? Now it take 0.5 secs to open. I prefer it to be opened instantly.
  8. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    No delay here it opens on click ;)
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  9. SNaRe

    SNaRe MDL Senior Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    Onclick with mouse it is fine. But opening it with keyboard windows key, there is a 0.5 secs delay.
  10. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    oke I just tried it but no delay here with keyboard ! Did U use an registry trick on the start menu ? ore have an wireless keyboard perhaps ?
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  11. makisxxx

    makisxxx MDL Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    Seems to me this build is realy messed up.buggy as hell.propably more bugs than builds before? especoialy Bitlock. after typing drive password,window stays open.ofc its an Beta but why this build have more bugs than the earlier builds? maybe just me anyway after 5 mins it was gone from my test pc.
    regards :throw:
  12. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    It should have some fixes for bugs from earlier stages but I guess there are some new bugs indeed ! Running this build fine tho so maybe you could test it on an other machine to verify if it is the build that causes the bugs or the machine you have it running on :tea:
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  13. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    WOW!! 0.5sec delay!! I even wouldn't mind about 2sec!! OK, I'm not an robot and will have all times some delays in my own moves, I'm just an normal imperfect human!
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  14. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    #454 endbase, Mar 22, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    Totally true !! Sometimes people forget that they are human as they work with computers they want it to be perfect !! But indeed take first a look @ yourself we are no perfect human beings ;) But we are getting there by learning from our mistakes !
    The same is with this build give feedback about what is wrong and give Microsoft the opportunity to improve their OS :tea:
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  15. greyaburton

    greyaburton MDL Addicted

    Mar 8, 2009
  16. Jaycee13

    Jaycee13 MDL Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    Is there anyone here having a problem with their Start Menu not opening and internet explorer not connecting? tried the powershell script but no luck. Everything else are working (Cortana, Notification Center and Metro Apps). :confused:
  17. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    u would not try bitlock on a beta....if theirs a issue u cant decrypt your drive.
  18. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    u my have reset all and refresh your pc.
  19. greyaburton

    greyaburton MDL Addicted

    Mar 8, 2009
    from windows blog Here are some known issues for this build
    •Some people might hit an issue where the username and password boxes do not appear or don’t accept input when logging in, which will prevent them from logging in. Possible workarounds include clicking the “Switch User” button, using Ctrl+Alt+Del, or pressing the power button on your PC to sleep/resume and try again.
    •It is possible to manually lock your PC during the initial out-of-box experience. If you do this, you will have to hard reboot your PC and restart the OOBE experience. (So don’t lock your PC during OOBE :)
    •There are several accessibility issues in this build, which may make it difficult to use with Narrator or 3rd party screen readers. Additionally there is an issue where using a Lens after enabling Magnifier may cause the screen to be unusable.
    •Some apps in the Store Beta will fail to install or update due to a licensing issue.
    •In this build, the Mail, Calendar, and People apps may be broken due to a licensing issue with the Store Beta. To get these apps working again, you need to follow these steps: •Open powershell as administrator
    •Run the command Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like “*windowscommunicationsapps*”} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online
    •Re-install Mail, People and Calendar from the Store (green tile)

    •You might end up in a state where windows open on your desktop are accidentally visible behind the Start Screen, Task View, Snap Assist, and when rearranging windows in Tablet Mode. This makes it difficult to read text and find what you are looking for. The intended design is that that only the wallpaper is visible behind these surfaces.
    •Creating virtual desktops may result in missing or black thumbnails in Task View.
    •You might notice a chess knight icon on your Lock screen to the right of the screen. This was added by the Lock screen team so they could tell via screenshots if someone was using the new Lock screen or the old one, and will eventually be removed in a future build.
    •Font sizes on the Lock screen on devices with high DPI can be really large.
    •We currently have the Tablet Mode notification turned off by default to address some of the issues we’ve been seeing. The notifications can be turned back on via Settings.
    •The touch keyboard doesn’t show up on login screen which prevents you from unlocking your PC when Narrator is on.
    •Some people might see frequent prompts to restart to install updates, even though no updates need a restart. This prompt can be ignored safely.
    •When you take a picture with the camera app on your PC and tap the circular icon in the top left to view the photo you just took, the Photos app will launch and then crash immediately.

    It has been really fun and exciting for us at Microsoft to work with you and hear your feedback as part of the Windows Insider Program so far. We will continue to listen to your feedback about the program and evolve over time, and we sincerely hope that it’s something for which you’ll feel proud to participate.