[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10041

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by jamescantello, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    I've installed all the official builds of Windows 10 for about 10 min then reverted back to Windows 7.

    I think that MS is making huge mistakes and the only way that they are going to get the majority of people to use Windows 10 is to give it away for free, and force people to use it in conjunction with DX12. I have talked to a few corporate network admins that say that they will migrate to Win10, and even more that say that they are looking for alternatives. Seems that there is little space in the business world for this so called "hybrid" OS.

    It looks to me that the current trend, not just in software but with a lot of major corporations, (Food, Bio Tech, Software, Government) is turning away from them, looking for better solutions.
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  2. pkoka2

    pkoka2 MDL Novice

    Aug 24, 2013
    • Windows Defender has an invisible system tray icon.

    It's only because the background is white too.
    if you put the icon in the taskbar, you will see that the Windows Defender icon is beautiful (but white).
    Sorry for my English, i'm French.
  3. ~Yoshi

    ~Yoshi MDL Junior Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    :rofl6: :rofl6: :rofl6:

    Thanks for sharing this :D This is quite a big design flaw if you ask me. I just checked and the same thing happens with the volume icon when you draw it off the tray. Why are both the icons and the background white anyway?
  4. TeamOS

    TeamOS MDL Guru

    May 27, 2013
    also OldNewExplorer Working 100% in Win 10 :)
  5. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    #645 Tito, Mar 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Version History
    v1.1.5 21.03.2015
    * Support for Windows 10 TP
    * Option to replace navigation buttons
  6. Myrrh

    Myrrh MDL Expert

    Nov 26, 2008
    Ah yes, the white icons on a white background. Reminiscent of Office 2013, with its white text entry fields with white border on a white background. Good luck finding things.

    Remind me why I bought a high-end graphic card and big monitors, so I could see these blah colors real good.
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  7. cipacipacipa

    cipacipacipa MDL Novice

    Sep 7, 2009
    Brilliant! With that and Classic Shell installed, Windows 10 might turn out quite brilliant after all :cool:
  8. Super User

    Super User MDL Addicted

    Jun 26, 2012
    Yesterday called. Asked his isos back.. lol :D
  9. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010

    thanks for this!
  10. Shenj

    Shenj MDL Expert

    Aug 12, 2010
    The 1 Pixel Border is purely aesthetical, you can still grab just fine.. the rest of the border is invisible.
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  11. Aj6627

    Aj6627 MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2012
    Does anyone know a way to manually install the new build without downloading the whole ISO? I'm getting Windows Update error 800705b4 which I think is being kicked by a realtek driver update.
  12. Terepin

    Terepin MDL Senior Member

    Sep 19, 2012
    Firefox is frozen in this build. I have to maximize/minimize the window to see changes. Anyone else is having the same issue?
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  13. Benifuji Yuria

    Benifuji Yuria MDL Novice

    Mar 21, 2015
    True, what we have there, that mini start screen that replaced the start menu, is just a horrible disgrace.
    In 9879, the start menu was at least still workable. Okay, you still had to remove that disgusting tiles cancer one-by-one, but once you removed them all, the start menu resized down to normal size, and you could resize it yourself. It also had a proper search bar.

    That mini start screen that was introduced in 9926 as replacement for the start menu really is a horrible disgrace. You still must remove that disgusting tiles cancer one-by-one, but this time, once you're done, it simply retains its size, so there's a huge, empty space now. You can't resize it anymore now, so you can't do anything about it. Plus, the searchbar was removed in favor of this retarded Cortana nonsense. Pathetic!

    Two months later with 10041, nothing has changed. Still no start menu, but still just that awful non-resizable mini start screen instead.
    Only change is some sort of pseudo-transparency which you can't see at all until you're that close that your nose touches the monitor.

    Also, let's better not talk about the new, terribly ugly icons, which are a real emetic. Or the removal of Aero Glass.
    If that's how Windows 10 is turning out to be, I'll avoid it like the plague (just like Windows 8), even if it's a free upgrade from Windows 7.
  14. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    It will be a matter of time that RTM comes around the corner we will see then how great that build will be and if M$ is bull s**tting us on our feedback we are giving @ the moment :biggrin:
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  15. El_Heffe

    El_Heffe MDL Member

    Jul 16, 2007
    If Microsoft listened to feedback, they never would have removed the Start Menu in the first place.

    Windows 10 is still in the early stages of development, but things are not looking good. Maybe they will fix things by the time Win 10 is RTM. But I'm not going to hold my breath. Windows 8 showed that Microsoft doesn't care about usability, they only care about their "make everything look like a phone" nonsense. So far, Win 10 has made a few minor improvements but overall Win 10 builds are getting worse, not better.
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  16. coleoptere2007

    coleoptere2007 MDL Guru

    Apr 8, 2008
    M$ wants to be stronger on phone market but they forget PC/laptop users , that's why most of the companies will find other solution than using m$ OS.
  17. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    I really hope so !! Would like to see a whole new OS on the market :D
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  18. jamescantello

    jamescantello MDL Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2010
    All Official Languages Windows 10 Build 10041 ISO's added to the First post. :biggrin: