[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10041

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by jamescantello, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. GHeimnis

    GHeimnis MDL Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    or like two, three, four ... ;-)
  2. Mas3ter

    Mas3ter MDL Junior Member

    Dec 15, 2014
    I ask ? another bulls**t gururoop ask for this not me.
  3. SNaRe

    SNaRe MDL Senior Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    #743 SNaRe, Mar 28, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    This thread really needs a moderator, who would kick out users, who act juvenility. This is a serious forum.
    When a new post shows up in the forum, we don't want to spend time to see useless posts.
  4. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Not all Internet connections were created equal. For those with poor quality slow connections downloading by torrent is the best option. Something I can download in a few minutes may take them several days of intermittent downloading and it's a lot easier to start and stop a torrent than it is a Direct download.

    Even Here in The US I have several Mates with a Satellite service that has a very small cap. However Bandwidth usage from Midnight to 6 AM isn't counted against the Cap. So I regularly upload Private torrents so they can be sleeping at that time versus staying awake to download
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  5. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    #745 ZaForD, Mar 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  6. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    Its not just Satellite or low cost ISP's.
    With 'Traffic Management' systems it can be almost impossible to download those ISO's too.

    Here in London, I have to wait till after 9:00pm when the traffic management stops to download them, or my connection will drop from 30mbps to 1.5mbps because I've 'Downloaded Too Much, Too Quickly' i.e. over 3+GB in a couple of hours during the day :(
  7. orlaf

    orlaf MDL Addicted

    Jan 22, 2015
    Still 1 month for build conference and for compiling build 10063 (count of days not wrong)
  8. Aj6627

    Aj6627 MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2012
    Anyone know about this?
  9. PaulDesmond

    PaulDesmond MDL Magnet

    Aug 6, 2009
    #749 PaulDesmond, Mar 28, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    install of this build has nothing to do with realtek. You either get update through WU or you load from MS's site to get the iso. Either way will install your new 10041 but can cause a problem with sound driver since these lazy boys didn't bring in a new W10 version yet ...

    edit: and the timeout reg tweak does NOT help in all installations, only some, just to mention
  10. SkOrPn

    SkOrPn MDL Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    If your net is not idea for downloading 3GB ISO's, then I suggest using a download manager to eek out everything you can and using it only when you are not using your computer/network. On Firefox I use DownThemAll to speed up the downloads, and for everything else I use Internet Download Manager a.k.a IDM. It may help take the edge off of a painfully slow iso download.

    Otherwise keep your eyes open for a torrent.
  11. bjf2000

    bjf2000 MDL Expert

    Apr 11, 2008
    Not most of the time here, and not usually as high as 30%, but often enough to be annoying.

    What, exactly, is this service? I barely use Metro apps, yet this service is fairly active.

    And what Registry section are you talking about re being able to disable it? I wonder about the repercussions of disabling it. Maybe scheduling the service to be on for a limited time might be best, depending on how important it is. But first, how to actually disable it.
  12. PaulDesmond

    PaulDesmond MDL Magnet

    Aug 6, 2009
    #752 PaulDesmond, Mar 28, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    Upon special request situation of current W10 10041 isos I'm ready to provide selected magnets for some guys who have a really bad online-connection. Beware that I will not produce all isos just for the sake of it since I prefer to play Golf instead.
    Let me know your problem and I try to help you. My major problem is disc space in my jukebox. I cannot handle all files at a time because I have a limit of simply 3TB. These are almost filled by now.
  13. Aj6627

    Aj6627 MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2012
    I know there's no direct link, but WU is trying to install the realtek BS first, which fails and cancels that update and the 10041 update. Looks like the ISO is my only upgrade option.

    My connection is fine, I was trying to avoid downloading the whole ISO vs the WU update.
  14. PaulDesmond

    PaulDesmond MDL Magnet

    Aug 6, 2009
    WU tries to install all coming-in updates and works them step by step. Realtek thingy mostly is left over after reboot and a retry of finding updates. There is a major problem with Realtek which is not solved yet though and therefore the timeout fix only works at some places
  15. Aj6627

    Aj6627 MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2012
    Do you have a link to info about this timeout fix? I might as well try it before downloading the ISO.
  16. mtrai

    mtrai MDL Addicted

    Apr 24, 2008
    #756 mtrai, Mar 28, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    Go into bios and disable the onboard audio and then WU will not try to update it. I should also work from just disabling in the device manager. If you try thru device manager you will need to restart then check for updates again. Then it should install the 10041 update.

    From mine and others, as I am usually one who tries to upgrade, this go round, the upgrade did not work so nice. I ended up having to install via ISO, and rock stable as it could be.
  17. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    Seems your talking about 10041 it doesn't make any difference.
    If you do an upgrade through WU it will download the .ESD (another version of an ISO) in the background then install it
    Or if you go the MS and download the ISO and do a clean install (always the best option) its still a 3GB+ download and install.

    As for the Realtek error.
    Goto Services and stop the 'Windows Update' service
    Next goto 'C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download' and delete everything in the folder
    Then reboot and try to update again.

    This has worked for me twice.
  18. bchat

    bchat MDL Smart Azz

    Nov 7, 2008
    I had 2 failed installs on the 25th, then it installed OK in the 26th. I left it alone and let it play out - beta software, an adventure for all...
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  19. SkOrPn

    SkOrPn MDL Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    I assume the Realtek is your "Onboard" built-in sound card? If so, go into the device manager and "Disable/Uninstall" it. Then boot into your bios and disable it (you could probably do this alone and get the same effect). Now boot back into Windows and it will no longer try to install the update. See if that gets you around the problem. You can always enable it when your ready for WU updates, or when your ready to install the latest drivers yourself.

    Isn't the WU update using ESD files, and if so aren't they practically the same size as the ISO's?