OK, I take it back. I COULD access my Network settings. But after installing a few programs and a couple of reboots there all greyed out for me as well now. @MrMagic, Changing the Res or DPI setting doesn't fix it. Its a bug that's been hitting a load of us since 10036. Only work rounds so far are adjusting 'Overscan' or switching to Tablet mode.
Thank you for confirming. Hopefully MS releases a fix for this before it reaches Slow ring. Although, I wonder now with the increased rate of Fast ring whether some Fast releases get declined and not make it to Slow. EDIT: Still grayed out here and haven't figured out a workaround yet.
Tried that, also restarting both of the computers on the same router and in the same workgroup. Didn't work. I am able to make a shortcut and get connected to the other pc using \\PCname\sharename (both ways), but on either of the computers the share doesn't show up in Network Explorer... (one PC using Win10-10049, the other Win 8.1, both 64-bit).
I have a HUGE problem. After installing the latest build I cannot access my Windows logging screen. After the Windows loading page shows I get a complete blue screen. I tried the ctrl+alt+del and win+L keys but I get no response. I tried shutting down and rebooting multiple times but I still get that blue screen before the Windows logging page. Can someone help?
I tried the ctrl+alt+del and win+L keys but I get no response. I tried shutting down and rebooting multiple times but I still get that blue screen before the Windows logging page. How do you lock your pc and what is the hardware lock button located?
win+L is the shortcut to lock your computer. If you're on a tablet you can push the lock button on the device. I had this problem upgrading from 9926 to 10041, no workarounds did the trick and posting the problem to Microsoft Community didn't help. After pinpointing the problem to most likely video drivers, since I could still boot into safe mode successfully, I could not get Windows to load working drivers so I said screw it and reformatted the hard drive. Everything works fine now, and I upgraded to 10049 fine. So that might be your only solution.
You are the one who started this thread, you mean you have not tried it? In upgrading, it has the big % circle, don't know about the clean install.
hi i am using esd-decrypter-wimlib-4 it worked perfectly on build 10041 but it doesnt work with 10049 !
10049.0.150325-1700.fbl_impressive_cliententerprise_vol_x64fre_en-us_6ec474581bfd176d526cc4ffff56721.esd work great , download that .esd
can you give me download link i have downloaded this version from mega .co.nz/#!hVZDiYBL!yOlA6QteK92uesybNQo4U-N4Ws1v7rFn7-3ZtiJEkuM and it is without extention so i have added .esd to its name may i made error renaming it?
. Nope. I just did a clean install today. So far so good. Did have to fix mail app though. What kind of sound card you have? ~MC