Mail app broken again. The fix for the last build is not working this time. Anyone get it working? Also modern ui apps still not scaling right.
Yeah in about 5 years or so, oh but wait Chrome will have 5 more years of work on it as well. OK ok, there is no way they can catch up to Chrome or Firefox imo. Not unless the later decide to stop development for a few years so MS can do so. lol
the 10041 fix worked fine for me. First, you need to open Powershell as administrator and enter: Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like "*windowscommunicationsapps*"} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online Close Powershell and re-install Mail, People and Calendar from the Store with the green tile.
Well how can you know if the upgrade broke something if all you do is a clean install...just saying For example I had 2 program( 2 very common programs) issues with the upgrade and one program that just went off in the neither. I would never had known that by a fresh install and reinstalling everyting. All has been reported in feedback. In both cases but I will just use the logitech software. It installed in the upgrade and was started up on first boot. On the 2nd boot the program would not start however the drivers would. So I had to uninstall the logitech software which takes the driver with it and reinstall to fix. Now it starts normally.
I'm serious in terms of comparing it with respective alpha software. Microsoft lacks programming common sense. They should simply call this pre-alpha software because in my mind Windows 10 as a whole is in late alpha to beta status in terms of testing. I will say its good they are finally scraping Internet Explorer but this is too little and too late. There is a reason why we make jokes about internet explorer now we'll just make jokes about Spartan.
Um, in the fast ring you have to update before you can make an iso. Therefore you have to actually run the updated build. Updating is never a good idea (in Windows), no matter how hard they try to make you do it, or how hard they try to do it right. 1 simple example, registry settings.
Windows 10 the next iteration of Windows... (Meanwhile in tech land) Windows 8.0 SP3 (Using this logic) Windows 8.0 = SP0 Windows 8.1 = SP1 Windows 8.1 Update 1 = SP2 Windows 10 = SP3
Does anyone really think a browser with the codename of Spartan is ever going to have much more to it than what we're seeing now and what's been announced? I bet the settings and customization are always spartan, the features minimal, but with what's under the hood very sound. The only hope for someone who remotely considers himself a power user is extensions, which for MS's sake had better work without ANY developer hassle (or they're just not going to get made). This reminds me of the transition from Opera 12 to Opera 15.
For the sake of the browser I would hope it gets improvements. In this current sad state its little more than a token.
Of course it will get improvements its an beta\alpha. It's also an universal app that is being dev for windows10\phone\tablet\xbox. We shall see if more features will be added and shown at Build 2015.