Well lets see how many of those are relevant. Windows Phone basically has no market share @ 2.8%. Windows Tablet is in better shape @ about 5.1% at the end of 2014. Xbox on the other hand is much of a muchness not people imho use a web browser on it. I'm not gonna list Windows 10 because its still in development. Just because its a universal app does not make it a good app nosense. That just means its the lowest common denominator much like Vi is for Linux.
Even Microsoft had released the most powerful and fastest browser that has ever been developed, I wouldn't give up Chrome. I don't trust Microsoft for browsers. But they are the best in operation systems ( I am MAC and WINDOWS user )
Performance is much better than 10041, I have never seen Chrome running that fast on any other builds!
Have you just upgraded or clean installed? This is the first time that I am upgrading. I have doubts about it.
Never said it's a good app,because its a universal app. Its work in progress. Too early to make final judgement at this point.Being on all those devices i mention, you will see more frequent patchs\fixs\updates\features added. Market share means nothing nothing to me. OSX is still around 6-7 percent and and Linux at 1 percent. Does it make those OS's less relevant? No, not to me. Everything has it's uses and purpose.
I would agree its too early to judge a work in progress how its good to compare respective alpha builds none the less. That being said I completely disagree in regards to market share. Windows phone is basically dead however the Microsoft Tablets out there are somewhat nice but not that great. I would say everything has a niche except devices that fill so little of the market. OSX has a use and in my opinion has a much better user interface than Windows. Now as for Linux... Linux will always have a use no matter what. Again you are comparing apples and oranges because Linux is used far more for web servers along with other uses. However to compare the Windows phone market share to main stream operating system is simply idiotic. Windows Phone is DOA hell I'll even say Windows 10 Mobile will fail right now with utter confidence because no one will use it. Those who do will be outliers in the tech world. Basically when you have a sound argument I'll let you know because Linux is the trump card for smart phones and Servers.
Windows Update got 10049 and after several reboots it rendered Comodo Internet Security unfunctional. Had to uninstall/re-install Comodo and it's working fine. That's the only one app 10049 has killed.