For live streaming or just recording? it uses older directX files so if you have End user runtime installed on 9901 it should work all the same as if it was on Windows 7/8.1
so you click monitor selected a monitor and then hit preview and it worked?? how about the num button lights and cap lights
Windows Store is working perfectly fine for me i just uninstalled and re installed the calculator and facebook on 9901.
It's the regular calc.exe Calculator that I am a bit bothered by the fact that it was removed in 9901. I know about the Modern one. Problem is, first thing I do when I install is to uninstall all Modern apps. I wish I knew about calc.exe being removed prior to uninstalling the modern one. But this is my point, they are slowly and methodically tricking/forcing us into Modern UI. Thank you for your post though.
You are lucky. Store just has error that it "stumbled" here. No luck after many tries. Seems most apps don't like Local Account. Hopefully they don't take that away from us too. It's kind of bitter-sweet. I enjoy some of the things Microsoft is doing and certain directions they are going with some aspects, yet despise others. We'll see how it shapes up for RTM.
I just saw the newest tweaks to the OS with 9901... I'm not going to like this build with what the Control Panel Looks like. I am actually thinking of dropping Windows 10 testing. Along with everything I was doing for Windows 10.
Now I'm install build 9901 and use Administrator (Local Account). But search box not work it disable always. How to enable search box in local account? Thanks.
Fully agreed i don't know why they are merging the classic windows style with the metro ui as they haven't learned from their previous product windows 8 that people don't like that metro stuff in everything so they have to change the windows design but not into the metro UI
The Metro UI is the worst UI in the world. The best comparison I can make is that they took Windows 3.1 out of the desk and let a child draw the plans on a chalk board. Then let the chalk board snow a little by throwing some dust at it. Then proceeded to ask the child how they would fully integrate the Desktop UI control functionality (control panel, device manager, etc) into Metro and told the child to make it happen. This thing is so ugly that I don't even want to test it or do any reversing on it. Windows Vista was never that bad but damn... (this is the version where I'm not cursing every third or fourth word)
Has anyone encounter any issues with shutting down the computer. Mine turns off the monitors but the computer still running.