Did you do anything special? I tested turning off hybrid shutdown and the computer managed to shut down but is not recommend so I turned it back on. I guess I'll put the computer to sleep until the official build comes out.
it is clear that with the 9901 build, windows 10 is moving closer to windows 8 again. why are they going back and not forward? they now starting to remove the classics of windows, replacing it with just more metro ui.
I agree, they haven't learned yet. Maybe they haven't lost enough money yet to realize that their biggest customer base is not the enthusiasts, but the businesses that want a professional looking OS not this childish thing that their kids are writing the code for. I think that they need to stop, sell this version to leapfrog and start over. I guess that they are just going to Gruber it, since that seems the way that it is going. I also think that it is because the enthusiasts have taken over the MSCF and spend so much time playing with Windows 10TP that the people that really matter are getting drown out. I say his because I see the same 5 enthusiasts in just about every thread battling about the same things. They are possibly inserted by MS to force you to 'see things their way'. I'm definitely not going to pay money to be treated like a child.
People didn't like metro stuff because it was difficult to handle with mouse and keyboard. The WinRT was used to make childish apps. The new modern apps in windows 10 are neither toy ish nor touch focused.(The calculator for example has almost every feature from desktop version) Most of the businesses have classic style (windows 95 ish) instead of aero's eye-candy effects. So i don't see metro ui as a problem. With windows 10 WinRT is developing more as an alternative to win32 api which has its obvious advantages. I don't care if its metro or win32 app unless it does everything that it is supposed to.
guys as u know this build cannot be upgraded to the next official build, so could someone explain to me how to roll this build back to 9888? in other word downgrade to 9888 so that i can upgrade to the next official build, i doubt the will release a new iso until the slow ring downloads starts. thank you
I got the same message when I selected to log in with my Microsoft account only for the Cortana app. After changing the system-wide settings to a Microsoft account, Cortana worked for me. Click the hamburger icon, then Settings, then activate Cortana again.
My internet connection is the worst on the entire planet. I am still downloading the Windows 10 Build 9901 as I type this message. It failed several times at some points. It is very annoying. I am going to read the posts here as I haven't been able to do my installation yet.