According to buildfeed, theres a private leak of build 9913, FBL_Awesome, does anybody know any info about this build?
First thing we know, its private Second thing we know, it won't be released to the public if it is private
I wish those private individuals with the Build can help us to understand if Cortana functions very well. I am dying to see the screenshots and the new features incorporated into it.
It can mean a pretty wide range of things tbh. It can range from a trusted third-party dropping us a build string of a build in testing privately, to as you say, a third-party romping around the internet swinging their electronic genitalia over a new build they got privately. It's basically a catch-all for anything unleaked where the information did not come from Microsoft directly.
I was just wondering with the speed of the builds will be final version 10XXX come into the world or would they stick to 4 digits
The final build could be 10800. If my theory is correct: Windows Vista (build 6000) + 1600 = Windows 7 (7600) +1600 = Windows 8 (9200) +1600 = Windows 10 or whatever it will be called (build 10800).
It's not just a funny coincidence, Windows RTM build numbers have to be dividable by 16 so the lowest 4 bits can be used to determine the Service Pack version (even though MS hasn't released any new SPs since Windows 7 SP1). An RTM build number will have four 0s as the lowest bits, this means it is dividable by 16 (7 RTM for example was 7600) Service Packs will increment the build number by 1 (7 SP1 is 7601)
Well good, because IE needs to die, but it doesn't help the poor misguided fools using IE8 still for whatever reason, assuming nothing else is out there.
You are forgetting something guys, these modern apps are sandboxed and they can't be infected by viruses, so if Microsoft replaces all apps with modern ones system will be virus free like Linux.