Ouch. No new builds since Dec 18 according to buildfeed. I guess Microsoft is on holiday. Maybe they will start developing again this week. Wonder if their server people are on holiday too. If their server crashes it could be days or weeks til they return from Bermuda or whatever and reboot it.
I do believe they have been on Holiday. Gabe Aul certainly said he was off the two weeks over Christmas, it wouldn't surprise me if most of the team had that time off. I'd expect builds to trickle through again starting this week. As for 9913 leaking to the public, it's really not that surprising. Why do you think the only "screenshot" has been a Windows Update screen showing its availability? It's because no-one's been able to install it yet. They're just teasing you because they can't stand being so close to it themselves, yet so far.
Interesting. The latest build in testing under fbl_awesome1501 is showing up under Slow ring now. It doesn't mean a whole lot because we still have no way of downloading. But that explains why it was no longer showing up for me under Fast ring. Although it does make me wonder what the change means, if that is gearing up toward the January 21st release and so on. I'm assuming that means that anyone under Slow ring at the time may also get it at the same time if this stays the way that it is.
Probably not, in fact, most builds that are released to public are compiled around 20 days prior to their date. The upcoming build might be 9913 (going with the 20 days rule) or a build that will be compiled today or tomorrow, a newer build won't make it, I think. But since they don't make build jumps anymore - we haven't see them do that with Windows 10 - I doubt we'll get close to 9950. We'll hit 9950 probably somewhere next month (perhaps even in March).
All insider builds jumped for 19 in build number, and we skipped one in December, so maybe it will be 9917
I think that was more of a coincidence. Won't hold, especialy during the holidays. There was also a close-to-20 days gap between each build. If the "January Technical Preview", "February Technical Preview", etc. is going to hold stand, that gap will increase to something around 30.