Correct, but how big are the chances of every single build on buildfeed being 9915 and fbl_awesome1501 being 9933, especially since they don't jump build number anymore afaik (except for RTM)?
Indeed, a management person from Microsoft confirming internal build numbers on Twitter would have been utterly unthinkable a year ago. Let's hope this new philosophy not only makes the company more likeable but really leads to better products.
I was just on the MS Win10TP Community Forum, and it looks to me like it has been over-ridden with people complaining back and forth about this and that, and very little actual constructive feedback is actually getting through. I hope that MS has learned a lesson from this. Getting ready to pull plug on Windows all together.
I think they are going to have another Windows 8 on their hands. I'm not saying that Win8 is bad, just that it wasn't well received in the business environment, where MS makes 99% of their money. They have let every fanboy/enthusiast tell them how to do this and that to the point that it is no longer going to be usable in the business environment. Therefore resulting in another fail and major losses. Again not that Win10 is bad, it is just not going to be received well by businesses where all their money comes from.
I'll be the first to say that if it looks anymore like a smartphone than it does in (leaked) 9901, I'll be done with it forever. I have already completely removed 9879 & 9901 from my testing PC.
Just blindly following the users requests is certainly not the best way to spend their engineering resources. It may keep consumers happy for a while but it still needs smart people with a vision to set the longterm direction for the product and make sure it stays competitive (something consumers don't care about but the company does).