Not sure if this Windows as a service thing will be very successful honestly. Windows 10 will be an upgrade for the first year, and then... exactly what? lol
Umm, about 90% of Windows users, Waaaa big colourful childs building blocks, who still plays with them? you, and other children, now piss off before I block you EDIT -in fact, blocked
The bandwagon that likes the old inefficient ways (joking of course, partially anyway; I do prefer the Screen over the Menu though)
Cortana, the most useless PoS on a PC since the start screen - I just typed out that same email he read out, and could have hit send more than 15 seconds before Cortana was ready to send it
Seriously stop with your stupid bitching. There are many people who like the contrast from their desktop to their start screen. You are just too stubborn to know or see it by calling it little kiddy screen. There is totally no benefit of having the start menu. Are you that stupid or lazy to right click on the Windows icon? LOL. Oh no I'm blocked.
Try it from a phone or tablet now It is probably less useful on a PC; but I imagine for voice analytics, collecting from all devices might be nice. Edit: New build rolling to insiders in a little bit (taken from the stream); not sure if he meant it's just for the Phone or PC though.
Sorry kiddo, mid 30s here, far from being a little kid That fool doesn't seem to realise I have him blocked, and hence can not see his pathetic childish moronic posts
Seriously. How stupid is the guy? I love the start screen and I can find thing so much faster by typing while I'm in it. I don't really see the benefit of a having full start menu. Don't bother with the guy. He's just stubborn.