Google+ should just merge with Facebook, Twitter should be ... idk... Instagram can die Messenger was much better compared to Skype, they never brought the old features back in Skype...
The build I am running (9879) expires on 15-April-2015. Whatever build is released to us next will probably be at least June or July. You can be sure there'll be another build available long before that one expires. So it's really nothing to worry about unless you just aren't wanting to update for some reason.
The only bit of official info that I understand about that was that with each Preview (Insider) build going forward, the time-out date will be extended on each one as it crawls closer toward RTM.
Any guesses on which languages will be available within the next build? I remember M$ having some sort of "waves" for the languages but can't find any information about that, i might be wrong.
I kinda disagree because I think Google is a GIANT tech firm themselves. In fact, I have long wished Google would get into the Desktop OS market (not Chrome OS) and build their own Linux distro for use on Desktop machines. One that tightly integrates with the Android world. Google has BILLIONS to invest so if they started with their own Desktop OS to compliment their mobile market share it would be fantastic and I think it would take off. I use both Linux and Windows side by side ever since the mid 1990's, and even though I really like my various Linux distros, I think I would use a Android desktop if I could, just because of my many Nexus devices and the amazing level of apps Android has. It is the sheer level of apps alone that steered me to buy Android Tablets and not the Surface Pro. No, your not the only one who notices stuff like this. I have hated this about the US for a long time and it is the reason I have not watched TV since 2006, that and Drug commercials. I calculated a savings of about 10,000 hours of my life saved (assuming 5 hours a day of TV is consumed and I live a normal life span) doing more important things, so long of course I never watch TV again (NFL and Netflix excluded, lol). We have starving children in this country and many other countries for that matter but our priorities here are making sure men have adequate amounts of Viagra and any other sex related drug. With the amount of money spent on Sex in the US every year, just 1/10th of it could end child hunger I think. Its really sad.
Id guess bg, cs, da, de, el, en-gb, es, et, fi, fr, hr, hu, it, ko, Lt, lv, nb, nl, pl, pp, pt, ro, sk, sl, sv