What hair? Anyone care to guess on the cost of HoloLens when it finally hits the market? Depending on the specs I am going to take a stab and say between $999 and $2k possibly? Assuming its a full ARM based computer system with a plethora of features like built in Skype, Mobile Data, GPS, GLONASS, Bar Code scanning, WiFi, etc etc... I'd be willing to give up a smart phone to adopt a smart Hologram headset (only if it has Cortana of course), assuming it can do everything a Smartphone can do. The Headset is kinda bulky at present but after say 5 or 10 years of various models being introduced id say they could be no bigger or heavier then a normal pair of sunglasses maybe. Gosh just imagine Cortana really being there to answer your questions, haha. TAKE MY MONEY NOW Microsoft...
You think that for the Dev kit version later this spring? or with the first version to hit retail stores either later this year or next year? I'm going to guess $1000 if they really want these in the hands of developers.