Ok time for a test. What is the bug, since you probably have this build that went to partners. I'm waiting here with my popcorn.
buy a better pc? works fine on mine except 1 bug to do with 1 game, everything else bar cortana (US only)works.
I really doubt that critical bug is worse than the build 9879 HDD bug. Never ever imagined an OS bug would kill a HDD like that.
Well it seems to me that Microsoft is right on track on making Windows 10 a failure just like Windows 8 was. Since they are skipping Windows 9 im sure it will fail since they skipped a version number. With them changing up the Start Menu (again), ugly ass icon's, and slow testing builds it's not looking good in my eyes... or should I say "ON" my eyes.
You didn't read why they skipped Windows 9 did you? Microsoft changes the start menu, people bitch. They bring back the start menu, people bitch. Ugly ass icons are being changed in the internal builds. Microsoft might as well ship you Windows 10 as Windows 7 then if it makes you happier.
^Lmao. Yeah someone needs to do a little reading on why they skipped Windows 9. Here's a hint: Legacy code.
Can someone provide a link to an official statement from MS about why they skipped Windows 9? I haven't been able to find one.
@Wzor account probably a fake account. It is registered on 5th of March. @Wzor must have been a member of mydigitallife already for years.
If Build 10036 was given to the partners, are there any partners on this forum that can leak it for us?
My best guesses for the new build are here below. The reasons is Microsoft never release new builds on Mondays, Fridays and weekends since if there is a problem after new release staff won't be around. 12th of March - Thursday 17th of March - Tuesday I expect it to be Thursday since in a tweet Gabe told that the new build will be released in 100 hours ( it was on saturday I think). Now fingers crossed for Thursday...