Wzor said a few days because they have to rebuild there resources. And that was yesterday So MS won't release today or of course not on weekend. So its a race between the two. MS monday or tuesday and Wzor hopefully this weekend.
Since Gabe is taking this long, I downloaded centos 7 tonight. I didn't use linux for more than a decade. But I am done waiting. Will install it instead of waiting for newer builds.
perhaps they make it happen putt'n out an enterprise 10036 since MS allegedly plans to deploy pro only
Gabe say, gabe do, gabe here, gabe there, gabe everywhere. Instead of lost your time to ask new build from anyone like a homeless ask a cents, use the brain and ask a real fast release ring, at least "mr.gabe i share info when i can" will end of write useless things like: "fast get faster" (a months or week of less not change your situation)
lol ... don't overreact my friend since it is only a silly OS, no measles or cancer or stuff like that
Figured, i not write this for have a new build (for me it's only a bunch of files and nothing more), mine is simply a way to try to stop all these people, that praying every day here as if it were their church, and all for receive a something that does not introduce anything of new (at least nothing of new that is relevant), for me gabe can release all also after may, but how have said before, it's almost pathetic see all this
wait until you make too early predictions. Wzor mentioned that he/they try to give us enterprise version. MS is about to bring pro which is quite some difference, no?
I wish I could be the one to give you guys what you need. I always make the best out of my little Jukebox for you but that's it
Old yes...but previous news was only a concept based rumors, this last instead is based on an official screen