Here are the offsets for 10.0.17763.771 64-bit. This is my first time getting the offsets, so please double check, but it's working for me. I don't have a 32-bit machine to get the x86 offsets, sorry. Code: [10.0.17763.771] LocalOnlyPatch.x64=1 LocalOnlyOffset.x64=77AD1 LocalOnlyCode.x64=jmpshort SingleUserPatch.x64=1 SingleUserOffset.x64=3E5B0 SingleUserCode.x64=Zero DefPolicyPatch.x64=1 DefPolicyOffset.x64=18025 DefPolicyCode.x64=CDefPolicy_Query_eax_rcx SLInitHook.x64=1 SLInitOffset.x64=1ACDC SLInitFunc.x64=New_CSLQuery_Initialize [10.0.17763.771-SLInit] bInitialized.x64 =ECAB4 bServerSku.x64 =ECAB8 lMaxUserSessions.x64 =ECABC bAppServerAllowed.x64 =ECAC4 bRemoteConnAllowed.x64=ECAC8 bMultimonAllowed.x64 =ECACC ulMaxDebugSessions.x64=ECAD0 bFUSEnabled.x64 =ECAD4
Code: [10.0.17763.771] LocalOnlyPatch.x86=1 LocalOnlyOffset.x86=AFEB4 LocalOnlyCode.x86=jmpshort SingleUserPatch.x86=1 SingleUserOffset.x86=4D7F5 SingleUserCode.x86=nop DefPolicyPatch.x86=1 DefPolicyOffset.x86=4BFF9 DefPolicyCode.x86=CDefPolicy_Query_eax_ecx SLInitHook.x86=1 SLInitOffset.x86=5B30A SLInitFunc.x86=New_CSLQuery_Initialize LocalOnlyPatch.x64=1 LocalOnlyOffset.x64=77AD1 LocalOnlyCode.x64=jmpshort SingleUserPatch.x64=1 SingleUserOffset.x64=1339C SingleUserCode.x64=Zero DefPolicyPatch.x64=1 DefPolicyOffset.x64=18025 DefPolicyCode.x64=CDefPolicy_Query_eax_rcx SLInitHook.x64=1 SLInitOffset.x64=1ACDC SLInitFunc.x64=New_CSLQuery_Initialize [10.0.17763.771-SLInit] bInitialized.x86 =CD79C bServerSku.x86 =CD7A0 lMaxUserSessions.x86 =CD7A4 bAppServerAllowed.x86 =CD7AC bRemoteConnAllowed.x86=CD7B0 bMultimonAllowed.x86 =CD7B4 ulMaxDebugSessions.x86=CD7B8 bFUSEnabled.x86 =CD7BC bServerSku.x64 =ECAB8 lMaxUserSessions.x64 =ECABC bAppServerAllowed.x64 =ECAC4 bInitialized.x64 =ECAB4 bRemoteConnAllowed.x64=ECAC8 bMultimonAllowed.x64 =ECACC ulMaxDebugSessions.x64=ECAD0 bFUSEnabled.x64 =ECAD4
I patched termsrv.dll 10.0.18362.267 and I think something is wrong .. after I print (only from Adobe Acrobat) 2-3 pages Windows 10 throw me away (the connection is closing). What do you think, there is a fix for this ?! P.S. This is happen after Windows 10 has updated to 18362.387 .. I installed Adobe Acrobat from scratch .. and nothing .. same behaviour - disconnected after 2-3 pages printed ! 39813C0600000F845D610100 <=> B80001000089813806000090 047411488D1577 <=> 04EB11488D1577 58010000FF15F7 <=> 58000000FF15F7
I have a similar issue for 10.0.18362.267 Windows 10 Pro. There are changes that seem to work for some, but not all. My problem is that I connect to the remote computer with RDP and the User is logged off.Now, if I go to that computer and log the User back on we are both connected with individual sessions. This is not a shadow situation. We can both use the computer ant the same time and the User can log off and on without affecting the remote connection. But if I log the remote connection off - no problem. If I try to remotely connect to that computer again, it logs the User off, and we start all over. I seem to remember having a problem similar to this in the past, but I can't remember what I did to fix it.
Answering my own question, I finally remembered. In the RDP setup for the computer I want to connect to I always saved the User ID and password so when I clicked on the shortcut I would connect to the remote machine instantly without having to enter the password. I just changed that setup by checking "Always ask for credentials". Somehow when I always ask for credentials I connect to the remote computer without logging the current Used off. Just for clarity, I am using the same User ID and password as the current User because I want access to all their saved data and program files.
Hi there, Just upgraded to 18363.476 and termsrv.dll is now brand new. Is there a new fix to this version?
Just an FYI re the last two questions: since it can take some time for a new patch to become available, in the meantime you can use the previous termsrv.dll without incident (assuming you still have it somewhere). Windows doesn't care, and the odds of whatever changed in the new version being important (relative to the previous one) are slight.
I gave a try.The termsrv.dll in the 18363.476 is actually 18362.267. I tried to patch it as earlier posts instruct but failed. The failure is the Remote Desktop Services would be missing from services.msc... Any idea how to proceed?
It's not surprising that the dll didn't change in 1909, since 1909 is just a mini service pack for 1903. The patched .267 I have from the summer works fine with 1909 here. I have no idea how Remote Desktop Services could go missing and have never seen that happen. Re-check what changes you made in the dll.