Subaru, tks for mentioning me in OP, but actually I have nothing to do with all these rumors you mentioned, as I know nothing about win10 beyond RTM. Oh, except for 1 small thing, I heard the rumor that there are 2 GDR's(GDR1. GDR2) planned, so what WZor and the other guys said about those "ur1", "th2", etc, could be real ....... or just all wrong.
MS is not in the business of giving away free the end they get u....u have to buy something. look at how many developers and coders are working on win 10...u think all does guys work for free?
It's a change in business model. You still have to pay with new machines, and they make money off the Windows store. Because of the support scenarios I've discussed previously, it actually saves them money by offering Windows 10 for free.
I will wait & see what M$ say at its next conference to see which build they release next to see what if any improvements/fixes have been made But I do think their publicity will be to convince user to upgrade for free during the first year to Windows 10 Then have a slightly improved version that gives user better performance but this is only available at a cost either one of price or yearly subscription
Just noted that fbl_ur1 could be Windows 10 Update 1 (Which is not Redstone) Time to rename the thread then
Yeah, the only thing I need to do with this thread is get it renamed to 'DISCUSSION: Windows 10 Fall Update 1 (UR1)' because now Redstone is th2 and not ur1 like it used to be