Looking around a found what they claimed was the Latest version of Windows 10X 20279 according to my Feedback Hub. Also the menu items Icons are newer & fewer that my Emulator install 19578 This one I installed the Flash.vhdx in Hyper-V Spoiler Edit: A few details on the copy I downloaded & installed: File name: Flash.vhdx Size: 3.60 GB (3,868,196,864 bytes) MD5: E9282BEC4E4FCE30ADD1E0FD6EF1A6D6 SHA-1: 0A87D3D7B5DDFCC55A2A23BE844BCE97D5B4C451
Until a newer build is available here are what I did w/ my desktop images in the Hyper-V installation. 1- is one of 2 defaults 2- is one (Asian Girls) I found in the MS Store 3- is one off my One Drive taken during my Tavarua (Fiji) Vacation Spoiler
Yesterday I wanted to have Windows 10X (Hyper-V) installed on another Win10 partition so I exported the files, moved them over to the other partition, setup Hyper-V, copied the exported files into the new 'Virtual hard disks' folder, completed the wizard & clicked 'Finish'. This worked very well as my Un & PW are there, desktop & all my settings are the same. While testing this copied W10X out I came upon this in settings (attached below) naturally I turned it on. I am now hoping a newer build will come my way & not some OneDrive stuff.
It never really made sense to me to have a seperate OS like 10x, thought they would have learnt their lesson after RT.
May ChrEdge suffer the same fate Though 10x is not completely scrapped, anything of value is gonna make it's way into Cloud edition (S) as the new focus for the WoW! form factor(s)
TBH, Cr Edge is quite good these days and I use it 100% over Firefox. With that said, Firefox 89 beta is also a HUGE upgrade and I like the redesigned Tab Buttons and UI.