What link should I download if I'm to do a in-place upgrade? (I'm currently on the Enterprise edition)
You say you were on enterprise, posting in the non LTSC thread i assume you weren't on LTSC, you didn't mention it either, and now you still are on enterprise non ltsc but you used the EnterpriseS = LTSC ISO to perform the upgrade, that is a bit unusual at the least.
Yes. I'm not using the LTSC version, I did try downloading the LTSC one but it won't let me do an in-place upgrade. No idea on the EnterpriseS iso though, I just downloaded the link ЯƎHTͶAꟼ replied to me and did the upgrade.
Just to clarify, the Enterprise build that I was using prior to my in-place upgrade was the latest build of the 23H2 (forgot the build number). But I'm definitely sure it was not a LTSC version. Also, what I meant on it didn't let me do an in-place upgrade was, it didn't let me choose the first option "Keep your personal files and apps". Look, I'm really sorry if I stirred up some discussion. I don't visit these forums very often (despite being a long time member). So I don't really know how things go from topic to topic or on how members interact with each other.
Deleted a bunch of posts that have no connection to the theme of this thread. @ЯƎHTͶAꟼ Kindly stop posting utter crap, especially if you don't know what you're telling.
Yes, my understanding is that ge stands for Germanium, and not an indication that this is an EVAL iso (as mentioned in other posts).
Hello, good afternoon, excuse me, I know this is not the topic but I need your help I use the ei.cfg file, I have edited it in all ways but nothing, I cannot choose the Windows version What could it be?
Bugs.... if you use windows 11 others than ltsc or iot ltsc ( any language leaked oem or uup dump with build 26100.1742 ) microsoft pdf printer are enable on features but not avaible as printer , remove features and reinstall fails , bypass solution are cutepdf free and fast FYI @abbodi1406 @Enthousiast @Windows_Addict "not a bug of uup dump"
You have higher build.... my build was 26100.1742.. stable your build was 26100.1876 previews... not same