Just updated Windows 11 to 26100.2033; run Disk Cleanup few times but Windows Update Cleanup still showing 8.63GB. Is there workaround out there? Many thanks.
Again, this is not really a problem/bug but the result of the current Updates development, the files need to be kept by the system.
So it shouldn't show up in Disk Cleanup. In addition to this "problem", I identified another one. sfc always fixes the same error: Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
It's undoubtedly a bug, because previous dev build 26120.1912 doesn't have it, but 26120.1912 has much more checkpoints.
Who/Whatever caused it, it will be fixed if MSFT needs it to be fixed, not a "quick fix" by some chopper.
I'm going to do a clean install with the development channel iso 26120.1930. I know that these are systems in the testing phase. Is it worth it or should I stick with the RTM installation of 26100.2030? What do you recommend?
I'm seeing reports that if you reinstall Webview2 to the latest version, it fixes the SFC issues. For people who are experiencing the issue, you might want to give this a try.
I guess it is possible somehow, I used the oprekin enterprise ltsc 1882 iso, the base packages were removed, I only had the new packages!