I think MS let this build "leak" on purpose. They've aknowledged the leak on twitter as soon as people started talking about it.
Wzor posted a key on Twitter that might work. I haven't been here in a long time, so I'm not sure if it's okay to post or link to the tweet.
Hope I'll be able to customize it to add the quicklaunch toolbar. Also hoping that "open shell" with still function too.
Off topic, but back in the day this thread would have probably been 300 pages long by now. Forum isn't nearly as active as it once was. Anyway, don't apologize to me. I f**ked up my quotes cause it's been a while and the board software is different.
Also notice that there are no warnings, anywhere on the OS, related to NDA or saying things like "don't use this build" or whatever. It's pretty much like any other Dev Channel insider build.
So I got this installed and noticed something super interesting. If you run explorer as SYSTEM you still get the old Windows 10 taskbar; I'm guessing this means the new taskbar is just a wrapper. I wonder if there's more to unlock with registry edits or the old redpill/bluepill crap
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\MMTaskbarEnabled DWORD=0x1 This is from the same guy at twitter who gave the registry key to get "old" start menu back.