Installed it on my HP 8560w workstation. Windows 10 with a new theme. Nothing special here (yet)... I miss Aero and stuff like that, it still feels like Windows 10 and that metro UI that I never liked.
Yeah. I saw some people mention login their account on VM and for Insider Preview in this Windows 11. So i decide login my account. Hahahaha. Yeah, that widget needed Microsoft Account but can't organise it like move or arrange it. Hmm.
Its just the news and interests bar in the current version of windows 10 renamed to widgets and made larger
Has anyone even looked at what kernel Windows 11 is built on? If it's the old kernel, it's not a new system, it's just marketing and PR. It's just marketing and PR. PS: Saw the old kernel in Windows 11 as part of a specialized subsystem to run Linux applications was integrated into Windows 10 back in 2016. And there's Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Windows 11 is nothing I'm frustrated PS: Now I got an old Celeron 1.7 computer out of the garage Oh, my gosh. It's installing. If it installs, it'll be a masterpiece. Monsieur knows a lot about perversion
Is there a way to backport startup sound to Windows 10? I haven't found any entries in Sound properties.
To avoid setup TPM error, you need to download the appraiserres.dll on the website dllme dot com and exchange it with the one in the "sources" folder of the iso image.
Awesome, thanks for sharing. Now just need a way to make the taskbar compact (use small icons) and/or movable and I'm happy
is there a way to patch Internet Explorer so it can be open,and not open edge instead when you click the iexplore.exe?
Windows 11 will be a modular OS with toggle switches. Example Task Bar can be in center or to the left. Start Menu can be centered or to the Left. You can have Win 10 style Start Menu or Win 11 style. (Modular might not be the right word ?)
not untill they completely remove it. iexplorer sub protocol's are still actively used in microsoft systems. i bet they won't be able to remove it without breaking lots of hardware and software princibles. that's why its still here and not completely dead.