Its too early to tell. I think there will probably be work arounds but it won't be officially supported by Windows 11 and it might even cause system instability and problems with future upgrades.
It looks my new laptop's processor i7-11800H isn't in the list of supported Intel processors of Windows 11, lol.
Hi, would it be possible for someone out there to make an installer for the windows 11 system sounds, that can be used on windows 10. Thanks very much.
So what do you do when MSFT releases a new OS and it won't talk to your hardware? Do you blame MSFT? Or do you blame the hardware manufacturer for not providing drivers that work with Windows 11? Do you curse MSFT for requiring UEFI, Secure Boot, and TPM? Or do you curse the device manufacturer for not providing these subsystems in your current PC? The answer is this: You curse both the hardware and software manufacturer because they are both trying to make money off of you. They are in this together. This is a Deja Vu. These manufacturers are going to do whatever makes them the most money. Allowing you to use your hardware forever with a newer and cheesier OS doesn't generate as much revenue as making you buy a new PC to work with the new OS. If this leads to putting you on an OS island where your old hardware only works with an older OS, then they want you to buy your way off the island! As I look back over the last 30 years of Windows, I see that I don't do a whole lot more with Windows today, than I did with Windows XP! We just happen to be at one of those OS inflection points where I feel like someone is trying to persuade us to go down to the computer store and buy a new shiny plastic PC to work with a cheesy and more cosmetic OS. For me, that is absolutely ridiculous. It still feels like a scam to me.
100% agree. And most likely a lot of normies will fall for it, out of laziness, or the hype or whatever else. They are free to do whatever they want, I'm not trying to stop them.. but just saying.. I strongly agree with that post. The new gaming features feel like a parent jigging shiny keys in front of a toddler. Meanwhile, "buy new stuff" with artificial limits on hardware and software. Some of it may be positive, but most of it feels like a scam. There is a heavy theme of "make things artificially redundant and obsolete with artificial limits" that's been growing over time.
I did, but for me it was showing a "Your PC doesn't meet minimum requirements" warning when using the leaked build.
Windows Insiders need to set themselves to DEV ring to get the first public Win11 builds. I'm sure they'll get posted here soon after they're available anyway. Maybe you couldn't read the text. I couldn't either, but I could roughly translate that it was the insider dev ring page screenshot. They're waiting on the build.
Just enabled PTT in my Asus BIOS and we're good boooys... (if you have a newer Intel based Asus board, go to advandced, PCH-FW and Enable PTT)