Created the iso from the uup dump website. While iso booted up, I did the following : Press Shift+F10 to open Command Prompt window and modify the registry. In Command Prompt, you need to run regedit.exe and create a new key “LabConfig” under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup. In the “LabConfig” key, create two new entries: BypassTPMCheck=dword:00000001 BypassSecureBootCheck=dword:00000001 Save the changes and compatibility errors will disappear.
I can't stand that they are forcing the taskbar to the bottom of the screen. Ever since I got a 21:9 monitor I've preferred mounting it to the left side of the screen. Now that won't be possible.
What the hell is going on in 'default apps' setting? weird,,, I don't like the changes. Win 10 is better for now. Even changing audio device is awful (having to click the right arrow when clicking on sound icon on taskbar)
I'm gonna try clean install, when i find out how to create .iso, when i use uup dump tool i only manage to create installation file.
Does anyone know how to return the straight angles of windows? If you do not install the video card driver, then they are straight at first. For example, before installing vmware tools.
The slow and buggy system is from Windows Feature Experience Pack (421.16300.0.3). All new visual style are from there. If you uninstall the CU .51 (KB5004564), the Windows Feature Experience Pack version will become 321.15400.0.3 and your 22000 build will become to look like 21996.