[DISCUSSION] Windows 11 Enterprise/IoT Enterprise (N) LTSC 2024 (24H2 / 26100.x)

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Yeah, I guess they activate Bitlocker only when MS account is used, so they can back up the Bitlocker key into the cloud.
    If they activated it without a cloud backup of the key, and the user lost it, they would be in for a lot of lawsuits, as the user never consciously chose to use Bitlocker.
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  2. patkhoo

    patkhoo MDL Novice

    Dec 16, 2015
    Hi all, asking your opinions/views..

    I've always been using Enterprise Subscription (Business Enterprise) edition all this while on all my main machines, but I'm curious as to whether it is better to switch to IoT Enterprise LTSC?

    What are the main differences? Or gotchas that I need to watch out for if I switch?
    * Some features (especially later in the lifecycle) like maybe Copilot, or Recall or etc (?) may not be available, or may only be offered much later than release
    * MS Store needs to be enabled, so as to be able to run Store Apps, UWP, etc etc etc apps
    * Any others?

    What are the advantages of IoT Enterprise LTSC?
    * 10 years of hotfix support
    * Better performance (without some optional stuff?)

    And I'm just curious, which edition do the senior people here who do a lot of coding and building and testing with VMs and such, like Enthousiast, abbodi1406, etc use for their day-to-day?

    PS, much thanks to all of you who make it possible for me to even consider this question! ^_^
  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    How long is always? It has been available for just a few months.

    But the only difference should be that the subscription version needs payment (officially used) and the other on doesn't.

    Not really, only in the hype.

    Differences between IoT Enterprise 2024 LTSC and Enterprise 2024 LTSC:

    I personally run IoT Enterprise 2021 LTSC atm.

    I never use the store, and i run it just for the fun anyways, could easily be that i will upgrade to 24H2 education or maybe IoT Enterprise 2024 LTSC, in the past i switched monthly :D
  4. patkhoo

    patkhoo MDL Novice

    Dec 16, 2015
    I guess I meant the "regular" Business Enterprise edition from the normal channels, the non-LTSC one...

    But I read that IoT Enterprise LTSC skips a lot of "stuff", like the MS App Store, etc.. So I kind of hoped that yes, it is smoother performance, or have a cleaner setup/install without so much extra stuff...
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    No real difference there either, LTSC only has the long term servicing patch applied and no pre-installed UWP apps, the core is still the same.
  6. patkhoo

    patkhoo MDL Novice

    Dec 16, 2015
    Yeah, I read this! It was very useful! So yes, for sure IoT Enterprise LTSC and not Enterprise LTSC. I guess since I've been doing the normal Business Enterprise (non-LTSC), just wondering if there is a comparison for that. Like I am used to using KMS_VL_ALL_AIO .. so does that mean I should skip it?

    Thanks for that! Much appreciated your perspective (and expertise!) ^_^
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    IoT Enterprise 2024 LTSC accepts KMS activations from 26100.1, so you can still use it.
  8. b0unty

    b0unty MDL Junior Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    @Enthousiast could you please check in your disk manager of your LTSC VM please ?
    In my disk manager, it tells me C: encrypted with BitLocker
    but in explorer it tells me the same as you, i can activate it

    in cmd as admin:
    when i do

    manage-bde -status

    i see encryption in progress
  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  10. Paul Mercer

    Paul Mercer MDL Expert

    Apr 6, 2018
    I don't think so, my disk manager doesn't say it's encrypted

    afaik it's encrypted by default on modern systems, mine is too old
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  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Mine is a i7 11700 but also old now, check the video i added to the previous post.

    Earlier this year i bought a 12th gen laptop and it was not encrypted either till the owner forgot to uncheck an option and bitlocker and onedrive encryption were enabled and he sudddenly has an online account.
  12. b0unty

    b0unty MDL Junior Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    On elevated CMD i have this result

    C:\Windows\System32>manage-bde -status

    Volume C: []
    [Operating System Volume]

    Size: 79.24 GB
    BitLocker Version: 2.0
    Conversion Status: Encrypted Used Space Only
    Percent Encrypted: 100.0%
    Encryption Method: XTS-AES 128
    Protection Status: Protection Disabled
    Lock Status: Unlocked
    Identification Field: Unknown
    Key Protectors: None Found

    so my disk seems to be encrypted but the protection is disabled & unlocked

    on my home compter running win10 IoT LTSC 2021 nothing is encrypted

    Volume C: [System]
    [Operating System Volume]

    Size: 930.36 GB
    BitLocker Version: None
    Conversion Status: Fully Decrypted
    Percent Encrypted: 0.0%
    Encryption Method: None
    Protection Status: Protection Disabled
    Lock Status: Unlocked
    Identification Field: None
    Key Protectors: None Found

    so the only way to revert to normal behavior on LTSC 2024 is on elevated CMD:

    manage-bde -off C:

    and the result is:

    Volume C: []
    [Operating System Volume]

    Size: 79.24 GB
    BitLocker Version: None
    Conversion Status: Fully Decrypted
    Percent Encrypted: 0.0%
    Encryption Method: None
    Protection Status: Protection Disabled
    Lock Status: Unlocked
    Identification Field: None
    Key Protectors: None Found

    so i think it encrypt at installation by default on LTSC 2024
  13. andom

    andom MDL Novice

    Jun 21, 2015
    From my own testing, non-IoT 24H2 LTSC (in virtual machine) encrypts by default. 24H2 IoT (in virtual machine or bare metal) does not.
  14. liliactr

    liliactr MDL Addicted

    Sep 3, 2009
    How can it be? I can see/change files mounted virtual machine or under winpe. If it is encrypted i should not do that.
  15. b0unty

    b0unty MDL Junior Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Yes only in 24H2 LTSC but nothing in 24H2 IoT LTSC
  16. Paul Mercer

    Paul Mercer MDL Expert

    Apr 6, 2018
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  17. TeddyBeers

    TeddyBeers MDL Novice

    Jan 18, 2011
    Thanks. Already tried this method from your links in virtualbox.
    Thrown some error after changing default language so I gave up.

    Not a big fan of changing language on a working system. Always had some issues, internet is full of problematic stories as well.

    Don't mind en-US but many apps/search results sneakingly shows US results vs UK (always been a problem tbh)
  18. Paul Mercer

    Paul Mercer MDL Expert

    Apr 6, 2018
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  19. Shortyportuguese

    Shortyportuguese MDL Addicted

    Apr 3, 2019
    Is there a safe way to remove Windows Backup app safely from Win11-24h2?

    Thank you beforehand