[DISCUSSION] Windows 11 Final Build 226x1/2/3/4/5 (PC) 22/3H2 [RETAiL/BETA/RP Channel - ni_release]

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, May 11, 2022.

  1. boe323

    boe323 MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2011
    All features apart from navpane and tabs have been switched off, not sure about overflow panel has ive never tested it?
    Thye are still enabled in feature ids but just dont work, gaming widget doesn't work either
    Its basically vanilla at the moment
  2. reb0rn

    reb0rn MDL Junior Member

    Mar 11, 2008
    I might update as soon I see how to do it, as my very old win11 (updated from old win10) is bugged all works fine but after 5-10 days without restart explorer/desktop start to glitch all, and I am not in mood of clean install, and new build might fix it more or less
  3. amires

    amires MDL Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    Many thanks.
  4. EaglePC

    EaglePC MDL Expert

    Feb 13, 2012
    tonight, tomorrow, or Friday we might see new insiders isos 22621.382 what I been reading about that I cannot post these sites also known actually since it is out in wild enterprise 22621.382 to test this iso we might all get it on the day of release...
  5. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    or NeXt BlUe MoOn to be absolutely 100% totally accurately cover everything "spot on"
    stop using your phone to browse rabbit holes while sitting on the toilet, it's.. unsanitary, two-fold
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  6. SAM-R

    SAM-R MDL Guru

    Mar 21, 2015
    Why do you talk about .382 when Insiders are way beond this Build ?
  7. boe323

    boe323 MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2011
    Oh the drama
  8. Jessie Pinkman

    Jessie Pinkman MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2016
    Sure it was supposed to be 2wks ago as well in his eyes lol now its which day of the week he can pick out of all 7 he has 3 to choose from
  9. P40L0

    P40L0 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Today I used an official, untouched, ISO of 22621.1 (W11 Pro Italian) for an USB clean install on a Dell XPS 9310 2in1.

    It installed perfectly fine.

    Then I just run Windows Update (without being enrolled to any Insider Program/Channel) and dozen of drivers and updates went through smoothly and the build went up to Retail build 22621.382

    Now everything works fast, stable and smooth as never before.

    There's no need to wait for GA for the final/stable 22H2 build.
    It's already out there for a while now.

    The builds and Cumulative Updates in Insider Rings are truly Beta so you could contribute to test them for bug logging and helping Microsoft preparing the actual stable ones for retail channel (which will have a different, higher version usually), otherwise avoid them.
  10. reb0rn

    reb0rn MDL Junior Member

    Mar 11, 2008
    Can anyone confirm that official Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_x64_en-us_22621.iso say is ok for update as @P40L0, and after the system can update as regular one?
  11. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #2172 Windows 10 User, Sep 8, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2022
    Chrome and Edge don't update. They state: "An error occurred while checking for updates. Update check failed to start (error code 3: 0x80080005)". The error code has been changing.

    Microsoft Defender Antivirus detects an Edge update file as virus but even without it blocking or deleting it and after disabling Microsoft Defender Antivirus, I still can't update Edge and Chrome. Weird.
  12. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Might have to update defender first. I got hit with the FP while gaming the other day, was super annoying trying to figure out if I somehow actually got infected.
  13. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #2174 Windows 10 User, Sep 8, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2022
    I just reinstalled Windows and signed in to my account for the first time so how can it be infected (I did a lot of reinstalls and I still have this issue)? What's FP? Anyway, I updated Microsoft Defender Antivirus, even disabled it, made sure that Edge update file wasn't blocked or deleted and even so I couldn't update Edge and Chrome. What does that Edge update file have to do with Chrome, anyway? I even created a Windows 11 image without Windows Security with NTLite, reinstalled Windows 11 and I still have this problem.
  14. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    There was a defender FP the other day detecting part of chromium which of course also hit edge. Every time I launched edge I was getting a defender warning. After about an hour of trouble shooting I figured it was just a FP. Tech news the next day confirmed it as a FP.
  15. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    FP = False Positive
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  16. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    I thought we were in the OS/2 room and a new Fix Pack was released. :D
  17. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #2178 Windows 10 User, Sep 8, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2022
    Ok, but the file isn't deleted and I still can't update Edge and Chrome so I don't get what it has to do with this problem, and even if it did and it regards Chromium which is used by Chrome, I don't get how a file inside the Microsoft Edge folder affects Chrome. Does that mean if one removes Edge he/she won't be able to update Chrome even if he/she wasn't having this problem before? Anyway, but like I said, I even removed Windows Security and I still have this problem.

    EDIT: I reinstalled Windows 11, Microsoft Defender Antivirus didn't detect the Edge update file as virus and I still had the Edge update problem so I guess it has to do with Microsoft Defender Antivirus blocking or deleting that file.

    EDIT 2: I reinstalled Windows 11 again and Microsoft Defender Antivirus is no longer detecting the Edge update file as virus and after installing Windows Security Platform and Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates, I'm not having the Edge update problem. Weird.

    Maybe it was a Microsoft Defender Antivirus false positive (which is still odd) like you said and Microsoft fixed it but why did I have this problem after removing Windows Security with NTLite from a Windows 11 image and use it to clean install Windows, anyway?

    If it was a false-positive, I guess I just had bad luck since it was the first time I didn't remove Windows Security with NTLite since installing Windows 11.
  18. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    OS/2 was a much better OS than Windows 3.1, fully 32bit IIRC and it could natively run Windows software.
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  19. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Comparing OS/2 with win 3.11 is like comparing a Ferrari Testarossa with a skateboard, they were just in different leagues.