These links from TechBench are safe and a final 22H2 iso right ? I'm just downloading one to upgrade from Windows 10.
Added all 24 TURLs:
guys i need slovak x64 home 22H2 can you give me downl. links thx on windows update i have still nothing... and if i will have iso can i make upgrade only ? i dont want clean install..
Ya dont have to clean install to upgrade ya can make the iso and just upgrade over it plus its been available since the 9th of last month 382 has been
Added package content and sha1 + sha256 checlsums!
And after changing it about 3 times after that and saying it was released about 4 times in the last month lol
@Enthousiast Just ran the Windows Media Creation Tool and it downloaded this, this is the 22H2 version?
People, my phone is apple, I mean iphone, I use Windows 10 on the computer, is it really worth it, I'm not going to use android applications, is it really worth upgrading to Windows 11?