Windows 11 22H2 update installed (22621.521) using the official iso from the microsoft website to update. When i use aida64 it says "OS Version 10.0.22621.521 (Win11 Insider Preview - Nickel 22H2)" From what i know i am not running insider preview but just RTM ... did microsoft forgot to change this ?
Using your v85 convert-UUP.cmd. Works as expected. UUPDump is on v84, when will it be updated to v85?
Why are you telling the one who maintains all this update crap how to update the crap? 22621.607 is released as 22621.607 so i published those updates, when the 22622 EP is applied it will be 22622.607.
@Enthousiast can you update the "updates overview" from win 11 22000 and 22621 please? i'm updating my isos Thx
I didn't tell you how to do it, I just posted my own observation and then answered your question, lol
How does this look? Updated 2262x: Updated 22000: