Retail channel: 22621.1848 - Patch Tuesday release (Moment 3 features are not released yet) 22621.1928 - Preview release (Moment 3 features are activated for everyone) Beta channel: 22621.1972 - Moment 4 features aren't activated 22631.1972 - Moment 4 features are activated EPs are for Beta channel LCUs only and it's purpose is to activate any Moment feature set
just got pushed another borked securityhealthsetup.exe They keep releasing but never fix the random crash(when opening) or messed up ui in system tray
I disagree, check 22631 EP KB5027397 and you'll see this package: Code: microsoft-windows-sv2moment4enablement-package Moment 4 features are not finalized yet but presented partially on the Beta channel it's public as Preview release (it's not Insider Preview)
Moment 4 things on 22631.1972 Moment 4 things on 22631.1906 Moment 4 things on 22631.1900 and so on if you see something like then it's not Moment related at all
What do you mean? Were they released on WU for non-insiders? Weren't they released on the Release Preview channel?
Canary Build 25393.1 by using 25398.1.230610-1204.zn_release_clientmulti_x64fre_en-us.iso could upgrade to Build 25398.1 .