Public 22621.2134 is finally super smooth and snappy, Windows 10 style. It took 2 years after W11 launch, but they finally got there. Better late than never I guess?
Of course they release the buggiest beta build yet last week and they don't have any update this week to correct some of the bugs.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring goodies sometimes apps wont open on first few tries since .net CU i feel the bug fixes will resolve this when we eventually get them How to combine processes? they seem separated at the moment, dont know if this is a new thing in task manager or something broken
Do you remember the problem I had when the co-pilot didn't show up? Solved: gpedit.msc: User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Copilot. Defautl: not configured... but... enabled and
Is there any ways to restore user folders with this build update? the old method by vivetool does not work
why do we need 2 lots of disk usage? dont know what you mean by user folders? quick access you just pin them yourself you need to disable home to get old style
i mean (documents -downloads - Music -Vedios- pictures-desktop) how can disable home to get old style?
A question for the experts:- I'm running win 11 pro on an old computer with TPM etc by pass, and winver says 21h2 (os build 22000.2245) and have installed all the upgrades and the last one was wednesday.. Well the announcement by Microsoft says no major updates in October unless you have 22h2 installed. So what happens to me? Shall I install win 22h2 and will TPM still work? or will Microsoft auto upgrade me to 22h2 and still accept the by pass? thanks
The TPM bypass script by @AveYo should still work but it only is needed for WU/ISO upgrades, all other hotfixes don't check for the requirements, so you can simply upgrade to 22621 by (fixed) ISO if WU doesn't offer it to you.
OOBE updates superseded by LCU are removed from the Updates Overview!!!