seems like there is a problem with at least MSDN 22h2 iso and also uupdump i have made recently. it just crashes when it gets to the making sure you're ready to install even if i don't allow it to download any updates. I tried to use the latest download from Microsoft software download and iso is Win11_22H2_English_x64v2.iso and it allowed me proceed past that if i did not allow it to get any updates. i can also get updates with that iso listed above if i disable internet then go through setup until the Eula comes up and then reenable the internet
I've been on the Dev channel for the last few months, and it's been a total s**t show for the last 2 months. so many silly bugs that are not getting addressed. They sound the same as what you have mentioned, so I'm really not sure why we have all these builds, because the same bugs persist across all of them... Basically, choose your flavour of dogfood, but at the end of the day, it's just all dogfood.
No need to recycle info
i see no improvement in explorer opening latancy search icon and label doesn't crash anymore when choosing but ..icon is still missing
I am on the latest Beta build and still no Copilot, maybe due to my "Italian" localization? How can I safely enable it? Vivetool? Does next flight will get bugged due to force enable of Copilot?
so safemode has the unknown harderror bug at login still but once dismissed it clears, you can restart explorer in desktop session without crash but ... you cant open start or search and theres no system tray still most if not all UI apps have no assigned default to open either these are hidden as system files in systemtemp folder What are they? Whats PNP? Does anyone have these in systemtemp? also ... how long as C:\Users\boe32\AppData\Local\Microsoft been hidden as system folder/file? i moved them to another folder on another drive until i know what they are, i know these files communicate with the registry but i dont know why they are in a windows/systemtemp and dont know what pnp is
Build 22631.2271 after the last update is in a good spot in my opinion. Every bug I had the last month and a half has been fixed and it performs decently now.
now i cant use mod utility for crucial memory, driver is being blocked wow , explorer lagging so bad now , tried turning of vulnerable driver blocking , the toggle says off but is still blocking drivers some s**tty definition update fk;d the pc again, i had it running nice, with no lag in explorer, i put those files back before this even happend so ...
applied system image from before the fk up, im hoping ive dodged the bad definition update pc as of now is running sweet ..will be the only thing that will mess it up i will know after a reboot later tonight
is 1 hour to back up 986GB good or bad? file backup ..not partition not sure if the slow ssd thing is fixed or not, never backed up just files