This week is going to determine whether we see 23H2 on Release Preview in September 2023 or October 2023 for the non-security Windows 11 update
Oh. The latest MVS ISO 2295 is 403... Also would you know what version is supplied on the retail/oem usb/dvd? And what's the difference between consumer and business editions?
No, i don't know what build is on the USB (is that still sold?). is Win 11 21H2. is Win 11 22H2 (currently latest and the only version currently offered on official public Techbench)
what are you pinning? apps work fine weblinks are fine also, you may want to check default associations config
Hello. I need help because i cant install MSXML 4.0 on Windows 11 22261.2283 for my old game ( Age of Titan ) . It doenst launch without this one.
is this last link this OS build version.? 22621.2283 updated to august.? if it is what is the difference between that and the ones offered after a few days on fichier. when some people start posting links for uagust updated ISO in english and other languages...?