as I expected, new moment apps are different in 2428 and 2506 LCUs more specifically DevHome_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle was updated, other ones are the same I hope they are not going to update it every month
You mean UUP files? actually, they are supposed to updated UUP Apps regularly, otherwise what's the point of outboxing
received KB5031455 [.2506] via WU & installed on 22621.2428 after reboot it's 22621.2506 & all of the 23H2 features are activated & visible without installing the EP
I posted here to ask whether this happens for all the other users who've updated from 22621.2428 to 22621.2506 and, whether that 23H3 EP is now included/shipped with this latest preview LCU KB5031455 or what? BTW, am not regd with any RP or beta/IP or any other channel, just retail/GA channel.
erm highlights have been around for a while im sure its defaulted now, try the toggle Open Windows 11 Settings Click on Privacy & security settings Locate Windows Permissions Under it, click on Search Permissions Now scroll down to More settings at the bottom Turn the toggle for Show search highlights to On/Off position