I made iso yesterday from uup dump. it took me 12 hours . continuously sitting and waiting that automatic f**king process . Finally I am on Build Beta 22635.2850 . I liked beta it is smooth and responsive .
Hope you are prepared for the odd fkd up CU ...may very well run sweet now ...but who knows whats down the line as we test fixes and features
I have run in to a issue in 22631.2792 with the WIFI where it turns off and i have to toggle the switch a few times to bring it back on.....anyone else experiencing this issue?
so after much reading of various forums and website articles, in regards to features such a the old "never combine taskbar items" the reason some users like me still do not have it available in the taskbar settings page is because certain features are rolled out in stages across the globe. why did ms decide to do it like that? i've had the configuration update(s) and am currently on 23h2 22631.2792. it's midly infuriating. is it because it's still buggy and not ready for mass use? i'm really hating this slow drip feed of "old features" back to windows. i was using windhawk for a short while as that had a module for taskbar un-grouping but then it stopped working so i uninstalled it...sigh i was using explorerpatcher a while back but found it unstable. is there any vivetool settings to enable it?
22h2 22621.2850 is so far past rtm he might as well just upgrade to 23h2 as all it is is a build number increase. as the same updates of late apply to 22621 and 22631. i'm starting to wonder what was the point of 23h2 when it's basically the same as 22h2 as that tiny enablement update just bumped up the build number and enabled a few new features but not for everyone and some are buggy.