Sure .. here below, first screenshot is the "Installing Prompt" .. The error produced; Here's my WINVER screenshot;
it's not installing on that machine initially there was a problem with renaming files/folders, this OS is just f**ked up, no wonder LCU can't be installed
Recently, I installed 22631.3155 original ISO .. so just waiting for it to self-upgrade to 22631.3235 why I need to install ISO everytime the build number elevates .. LOL
in your case I would try to do an in-place upgrade from the 22631.3235 ISO without cleanup you can build it on UUP dump but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to build it on your system, should be fine in a VM though
New LGHUB plus drivers confirmed working in safemode driver version ..dynamic lighting support Theres no mention in patch notes but who cares at this point
new copilot actions vivetool /enable /id:45596742 /variant:3 try variant 2 if 3 doesnt work, seems to be working on pc with variant 2 variant 1 give you a tiny dot you can just restart explorer and test each need for reboot
No. Upon restart, a few seconds later, the icon changes and it works once. But only one. Then the icon and normal behavior returns. EDIT: variant 2, works.
In theory "added a Copilot feature that caused its pane to open when a mouse cursor goes over the Copilot icon." But... not show.... vivetool ID?
i dont know the hover over icon id but the settings page is vivetool /enable /id:45690501 So ive just had a look and it seems the hover over icon function is enabled by default but not working
I downloaded and installed 22635 3276 all Ok but it didn't install 22635.3286 CU cab file and not showed in Windows Update.
I have 6 windows installations. In one of them he appeared to me today without doing anything. EDIT: I have done an identification to identification comparison of the Vivetool /query output and they are identical. But on one machine it works and on another it doesn't.