its ok to run lite cleaners every few months,, that one seems a bit excessive. Cleaning installers can break your software when it comes to updating or uninstalling said cleaned installer, also you should never remove microsoft/windows entries, they may say invalid or empty etc, but can break what ever its related to
I don't do crystal ball predictions (plenty of those around here), i just waste my free time reporting what i see
How can I prevent Outlook (new) from installing itself? Anyone know the registry location or policy? I've tried everything google has to offer, from disabling silent app install and content delivery manager, to deleting this single registry [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\Orchestrator\UScheduler_Oobe\OutlookUpdate] yet, Outlook (new) still appears.
Ahh, registry cleaners. The snake oil that people keep on believing. There are only three outcomes for those tools: they break your system immediately, they will break your system in the future or they do nothing except boosting your dopamine levels with the words "clean!" or "errors fixed!". Avoid them at all costs. Disk cleaners... those are "ok". Use them if you need more free space, else avoid them as they can also break things if you run them with admin rights. Caches help speed up things.
I think you are just too young to understand why they become a thing. When people had win 95 running in in 486DX4 or Pentium 60 machines with 2MB of RAM, and coders used to Win3x had yet to learn how to properly write uninstallers for win95, everything helped, and most of the registry cleaner of the era did a decent and useful job. Now with overpowered machines, a dirty registry isn't apparently any slower than a clean one, so even if a reg cleaner does it's job, no one notices it.
Said by people, who never used them, because they read reviews from people, who also never used them, very credible. I turn off PC with disk/registry cleanup, I do it since XP and ever since Windows runs smooth and I laugh at people, who solve issues with a reinstall, because they avoid bad reg cleaners, which could fix it in a sec.
thye are ok if you know what shouldnt be removed i use fortect, its cleaner is lite and doesnt remove windows/microsoft entries or installers
i also use it. and on my end i do see a difference. maybe because am using old laptop hardware. and people that dont notice it are running newer hardware and there is no difference to them.
The one from @boe323, and after running securityhealthsetup, the appx is located in C:\Windows\System32\SecurityHealth. Thanks. Edit: The reason I needed this is because I selected SkipApps = 1 in UUPDump however, later I realised I needed Windows Security. Wasn't aware they made it fluent. Edit 2: What is actually updateplatform.amd64fre_a7d9b3cd9014a165455bd5d2b59ea94b5bee50f4.exe Is this update/virus definitions? Do I need it or the securityhealthsetup_e16941e14861a6d24750ecdf05c548189b33182a installs it by default?