Potatos Potatoes https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1814410/ just click on "Latest Public Release build" architecture button and you see you get 22631.3447
24h feature available for beta channel vivetool /enable /id:49256040 cant screenshot right click , you get options to compress zip 7z tar
I understand everything, but this has been discussed many times: UUP dump detects builds on all channels, so if the build is available on many channels, it will only show the one it was detected on it means it's not reliable at all, and it never will be
I got the detection part; it's just that there was conflicting information on whether 3447 or 3527 is the latest retail version. Since you confirmed it, it's clear now. Thanks again.
the word "preview" means nothing, this is public stable update for everyone it was a C patch in the past, now it's a D patch (4th week of the month)
When we install the optional update, will the one from the second Tuesday replace him, or will there be two updates with the one that includes security updates in "Installed Updates" ? Thanks in advance
each CU replaces the previous one optional update = bug fixes and new features patch tuesday update = previous optional update + security fixes so patch tuesday patch has all the stuff from the optional update