Yes, I understand that - those are the ISOs I created - what I do not understand is why they are smaller than the other one - Win_Pro_11_24H2.2_x64_Eng_Intl_Pro_Ent_EDU_N_MLF_X23-92021.ISO --- DS
N > without windows media player avoid For reduced size.. use 26100.2605.241206-1409.GE_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO only ( only pro , you can switch after install from pro to any higer sku with key only ) Retail work with kms only key change
Ok, thanks for clarifying! --- DS QQ - I forgot to ask: I've never changed versions with a KEY before.... :-( What's the link to that process (or explanation of). Thank you!!!
Explorer no longer closes until you move the mouse off the exit/red close button lol, not sure if its a bug or a dumbass feature Oh and if you use H in the alphabet jumplist it will crash the startmenu the explorer bug is related to the new labels feature
Hello everyone and happy 2025! Does anyone have a fresh (or relatively fresh) installation of 23h2 to enlighten me on the following? On a new dell laptop with 23h2, the start menu has "apps" for whatsapp, tiktok, amazon prime, facebook, instagram etc. Are those part of windows or is it something added by dell? I put "apps" in quotation marks because they are not actually preinstalled, but they are installed upon clicking on their shortcut.
maybe both..M$ got some, but maybe dell too..if you want to be sure, you have to install a stock oem W11..but what does it change?? uninstall all of them and you re good to go
i think tiktok is probably added by dell, ive never had that app on a clean install...unless they added recently. You can uninstal that crap anyways ..no biggy
Anyone know how to re enable end task for explorer.exe God knows why they have removed the option, ending explorer for certain installs or certain software is needed