I can say one thing though about this build is that it feels a lot better than the current public build of Win11. Start11 doesn't work yet but at least the Win11 start menu is half decent.
creating a Pro Edu version from UUPD would do the trick or only the Edu version is required for this to remove the recommendation? Is there any bypassed trick available to avoid such edition specific requirements in GPO?
Would this build be able to receive updates and function exactly like the RTM version if it is in fact the RTM build ? Don’t wanna install it as a daily driver and then find out in a week I need to install a new Version of the same build as this one will not function or receive updates in the long run.
IF it is the final (and that's a big IF at the moment) then yes, it will take probably only one CU on top of that build for getting rid of all "Insider" monikers. It's exactly what happened multiple times in the past.
I have a dual boot notebook with Windows 10 19044 on one hard disk and Windows 11 22621 on the other. Today, I reset the TPM info in the BIOS, now Windows 11 crashes with error 0xc000000c at boot. The dual boot menu works and I can log into Windows 10. I tried booting Win 11 22621.1 from USB and using the repair function, but it did not work. Any ideas?
I have no problem with uninstalling/reinstalling, it is a testing platform. But this brings the question of changing motherboards or moving a hard disk from one system to another?? Recovery disks must then be maintained!! There is access to the Win 11 installation disk from Win 10. I will try to find a fix when I have time. This is very serious issue; if this was my main and only system, it would have been a big problem. I hope all who adopted Windows 11 are aware of this issue.
Maybe there was Bitlocker encrypted stuff? With TPM present, such things might now be used by default.
hello. smartscreen does not turn off. any ideas? Code: Reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /v EnableSmartScreen /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
When we get normal updates and not the usual "testing the pipeline" updates, we'll be a bit closer, when people in the retail channel start receiving it and msft announces it, among other things.
Just remove it, Edge's and Store's smartscreen will still work. Spoiler Code: takeown /s %computername% /u %username% /f "%WinDir%\System32\smartscreen.exe" icacls "%WinDir%\System32\smartscreen.exe" /grant:r %username%:F taskkill /im smartscreen.exe /f del "%WinDir%\System32\smartscreen.exe" /s /f /q
It isn't the final build, the mystery build is planning to get sent to OEMs in a couple of weeks, and Microsoft has plenty of time to push out a new build for Beta and Release preview
FYI, AMD Adrenaline 22.5.1 and Preview drivers won't install on this version, throws a error when installation is almost finished. On the other side NVIDIA drivers install fine though.
This could very well be the final build, they could just do as they did with build 22000, put it on as GA + LCU.