Theres a few hiccups with the dodgy apps that come bundled with it but yea, it works ok. Like since the clean install, news and xbox app cant be resized Game bar is just trash Im running powersave profile and is still pretty quick, i have noticed that memory integ slows the boot by a sec or 2 but thats to be expected and not an issue
it should for weather and news apps, tested everywhere xbox app already opens in larger window, I think this resize thing is by design here
Lol, latency that your never gonna notice, and even if you did?, who cares??? lol! This heap of 'something' causes more 'latency' than anything around, the very minute you install it, so driver problems causing 'latency', are the least of your worries, as far as 10/11 are concerned, I'm afraid We live in a world where you have 2 choices now. 1. Install and be done with it. Accept the bloat, nonsense etc., for what it is, and live with them owning your system. 2. Install whatever, and lock it down completely! No updating, period! (imaging system on a regular basis), and live with it for a year or so, then do the same again, rinse, repeat Same goes with drivers. I've done option 2 now for nearly 3 years, and will soon take the plunge into this new OS, but will lock it well down after doing so, once I have the bulk of crap removed to my liking, and there it will stay, stuck in time, until I see fit to be bothered about changing that fact.
Not liking the loading of 3rd party context menu entries everytime you right click, onedrive, terminal and winrar load everytime
Nope, just sensible My 40+ years in the game have told me that, and @ 59 years of age, 'unhinged' is not the word I'd use
I could not care less about latency, as there is nothing you can do about 99% of it. My post was sarcastic because the last time I checked, 4 years ago, it was the same nVidia process which was spiking highest then. Saying I haven't run the tool for 4 years should be the giveaway!
But i do though i know it says RTM but thats cause it was put as 22621.1 im saying that was in the preview channel the last stage so when its finally released to the public there will be a difo number at the end cause of the updates thats been released since
check system 32 for nvlddmkm.sys now resides in the repository. Shouldnt be there but check anyways. I personaly dont care about latancy spikes, im running powersave and all the powersave features on bios, no sound issues. change to ultimate profile when gaming issues If your having issues like sound is clipping due to latancy spike may want to look deeper
Both are literally the same build, so, they will take the same update packages released. The only difference is the EP causing some features to be enabled vs. disabled, and displaying an arbitrarily changed virtual build number.
KB5015818 downloading right now on Windows Update. I'm on 22621.105 Retail, not enrolled in any Insider Channel.