Updated from 22621.105 to 22621.232 by installing the latest KB5015818 via Windows Update, reboot & TAB for FE is enabled by default here, not enrolled in any ring FYI
this feature (Tab for FE) is currently buggy, dark theme/mode is enabled by system-wide, still after this update & TAB for FE enabled, sometimes, file explorer is opening in white theme
was on 22621.105 for a month running awesome ok win update now is 22621.232 without insider sign in hope runs still awesome
hold on MS controls the OS so when it is ready it'll just do it mine took like 2 weeks after install then tabs just showed up .
I meant this EP KB5015669 required higher update than this KB5015818 to activate new features. Is useless to integrating this EP.
The 22622 EP was released with 22622.290.1.1, so that is the minimum deltabuild needed for it to work.
Correct. MS decides what you get, what you have available, and whether or not you can use it. Just because you own a system, does not give you the right to expect things to work as you wish them to. MS will decide that, and if they so choose, will enable tabs for you when THEY are ready, and most certainly not when YOU want them to!. It's now their system, you agreed to that upon install, so don't go complaining all. Tabs get enabled once the required quota of telemetry has been sent to them It's their way of thanking you in return for control of your system. Don't even think of disabling any services also, as that will be knocked off your quota immediately.
Just got .232 through official Windows Update (no Insider enrollment nor Insider mention with the update label itself) for my 22621 build. Everything went smooth on both my work and personal laptops.