In the event that MSFT does block people from Win11 on unsupported builds, is there a way to DISM\downgrade to Windows 10 without a clean install? The Xbox app (for Games Pass) doesn't let you connect to a preexisting WindowsApps folder on a clean install, have to redownload everything again...
Turn off windows update with something like Sledgehammer. Enable it only if needed/wanted version appears with no such issues reported. They can't force an update or block if you don't let them.
what happened to Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.22000.120 (co_release) x64 on uup did it get pulled ?
Does it buggy? I'm using it right now, and only find bug windows security always turn off after system restart/shut down.
I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between that listing and the listing for Cumulative Update for Windows 11 (10.0.22000.120) but they both create ISO files. I've been trying to see if I can tinker with the scripting and see if I can remove the KB5005445 but since the script itself downloads another script automatically I'm not sure I can. I haven't actually tested this since it first came out but @Enthousiast heavily implied that this update was the culprit in the winre.wim failure problem and it is automatically downloaded and integrated by this script.
seems like people keep forgetting the golden rule when a new alpha build comes up: either fking wait a bit or just get the previous build and check if it can update to the new one via wu - thats the minimal validation that it's fine thats how I rarely get burned do the assholes at microsoft check their stuff? nope. there's no such thing as a black board listing common things to check for (like booting into winre, display drivers gsod, oobe failing to migrate users then giving nt authority explorer or blank screen etc) that seems to be broken time and time again "works for me"
Or - how about this? We do what we want, and then find out what happens, and if its bad, try to figure out why?
It's Monday today. Just wait another 26h and we'll all find out if Windows 11 gets an update for patch Tuesday. Lol.